2018-03-20Graveentreprise på Kystnære Havmøller (Energinet)
Udbuddet dækker en nedgravningsentreprise fordelt på 2 lots: Lot 1: Vesterhav Syd indeholder nedgravning af 150 kV kabler og udførelse af underboringer over ca. 41 km. Lot 2: Vesterhav Nord indeholder nedgravning af 150 kV kabler og udførelse af underboringer over ca. 35 km. Anlægsarbejdet på denne entreprise forventes udført fra medio 2018- medio 2019.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Per Aarsleff A/S
2018-03-19Framework Agreement regarding Steel Pipes (Energinet)
Energinet wishes to initiate negotiations regarding Framework Agreement for Steel Pipes intended for the natural gas transmission / distribution system. The Framework Agreement covers the purchase of steel pipes for projects within Energinet’s business units, e.g. for MR-stations and biogas facilities, as well as for the gas transmission and distribution lines, if the products on the Framework Agreement can fulfill the requirements for these projects.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:IndustriståL A/SScandinavian Fittings and Flanges Aps
2018-02-14Framework Agreement regarding Steel Pipes (Energinet)
Energinet wishes to initiate negotiations regarding Framework Agreement for Steel Pipes intended for the natural gas transmission/distribution system. The framework agreement covers the purchase of steel pipes for projects within Energinet’s business units, e.g. for MR-stations and biogas facilities, as well as for the gas transmission and distribution lines, if the products on the framework agreement can fulfill the requirements for these projects.
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2018-02-01Framework Agreement on Insulating Couplings (Energinet)
Energinet wishes to initiate negotiations regarding Framework Agreement for Insulating Couplings intended for the natural gas transmission/distribution system. The framework agreement covers the purchase of insulating couplings for projects within Energinet’s business units, e.g. for MR-stations and biogas facilities, as well as for insulating couplings for the gas transmission and distribution lines, if the products on the framework agreement can fulfill the requirements for these projects.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:RMA Kehl GmbH and Co. KG
2018-01-31New Data Centre for DataHub (Energinet)
Energinet hereby initiates a tender concerning the contract for delivery of an infrastructure platform for the DataHub system and associated systems that together cover the Energinet's obligation to operate the DataHub in accordance with the Electricity Supply Act.
As Energinet's current Hosting Agreement for DataHub expires Energinet would like to offer a new 4-year Hosting Contract with option for extension of up to two (2) years.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:CGI Danmark A/S
2017-12-20Procurement of Gas Compressors (Energinet)
The Contracting Authority wants to purchase gas compressors for two projects with an option to purchase a gas compressor for a third project. For further details concerning the purchases, reference is made to the appendices to the tender documents.
Purchase of gas compressors for all three projects is made with an option to purchase the foundation.
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2017-12-04Design, supply and installation of temperature sensing and optical fault localization systems (Energinet)
Design, supply and installation of Distributed Temperature Sensing, Point Temperature Monitoring and Optical Fault Location Systems for the following underground cable projects:
— København 01 (KBH01) which, for the scope of this tender, gives the name to the group of 3 (three) reinvestment projects in the Copenhagen area.
— Danish Near Shore (DNS) which, for the scope of this tender, gives the name to the two (2) cable connections between the Danish transmission grid and two upcoming near-shore wind …
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:AP Sensing GmbH
2017-11-20Energinet — Motor Fleet Insurance (Energinet)
Energinet is procuring motor fleet insurance.
Tender material is immediately available on the following website.
Login: MOTOR17_endk
Password: AL99b65d2.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Codan Forsikring
2017-11-15New Data Centre for Energinet DataHub Systems (Energinet)
Energinet hereby initiates a tender concerning contract for delivery of an infrastructure platform for the DataHub system and associated systems that together cover the Energinet's obligation to operate the DataHub in accordance with the Electricity Supply Act. As Energinet's current Hosting Agreement for DataHub expires Energinet would like to offer a new 4 year Hosting Contract with option for extension of up to two (2) years.
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2017-11-06Viking Link UXO Client Representative Services (Energinet)
The tendered assignment includes the provision of client representative services in relation to UXO risk mitigation activities with scheduled duration from March 2018 and to June 2019. The UXO risk mitigation activities include UXO survey, Inspection of possibly buried targets (ROV and sub-sea excavation) and possibly removal of verified UXO items. The tendered assignment shall be provided to the project Viking Link developed jointly between Energinet (Denmark) and National Grid (United Kingdom).
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Metoc Ltd trading as Intertek Energy and...
2017-11-06KBH01 — P1 og P2 — Anlægsentreprise (Energinet)
Udbud af anlægsentreprise bestående af gravearbejde, underboringer og kabeludlægning i forbindelse med etablering af 132 kV kabelanlæggene Avedøreværket-Amager koblingsstation og Glentegård-Svanemølle koblingsstation.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:NCC Danmark A/S
2017-10-24Krieger's Flak Jack Up Accommodation (Energinet)
A jack up rig or vessel capable of providing accommodation and other services for crew/personnel to be positioned next to an off shore substation for the wind farm Krieger's Flak. The rig/vessel should be in place approximately three months (May, June and July 2018) during the hook up and commissioning of the substation.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:Jack-Up Barge Operations B.V.
2017-10-17Project support to Nordic CCM project (Energinet)
Project management and administrative support to the Nordic Capacity Calculation Methodology project. Some development work and analysis related to Flow Based and Coordinated Net Transfer Capacity will also have to be done.
Se udbuddet » Nævnte leverandører:E-Bridge Consulting GmbH