Indkøb: Danish Maritime Authority

Et arkiveret indkøb

Danish Maritime Authority har historisk set været en køber af transportudstyr og transporthjælpemidler, skibe og både og skibe.

De seneste indkøb foretaget af Danish Maritime Authority

2013-06-06   Framework Agreement concerning large plastic topmark buoys (Danish Maritime Authority)
The plastic topmark buoys must be designed for being used as floating aids to navigation in Danish waters at water depths between 6 and 15 metres and currents up to 5 knots, including being capable of resisting the ice loads that would occur in Danish inlets under normal conditions. The buoys must have guaranteed minimum life must be 8 years, and meet the following minimum requirements: 1. Main dimensions: - Length – max 6,0m, min 4,0m - Diameter in the waterling – max 1,0 m, min 0,7 m - Height above the … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Maritim Consult & Salg ApS