Indkøb: Danish Defence Acquistion and Logistics Organisation

Et arkiveret indkøb

Danish Defence Acquistion and Logistics Organisation har historisk set været en køber af beklædningsartikler, fodtøj, bagageartikler og tilbehør, bagageartikler, sadelmagervarer, sække, poser m.v. og bagageartikler og lignende.

De seneste indkøb foretaget af Danish Defence Acquistion and Logistics Organisation

2013-06-25   Rucksacks and Pouches (Danish Defence Acquistion and Logistics Organisation)
Through purchase under a framework agreement Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) is planning to purchase rucksacks, gear carrying bags and pouches for use by personnel in the Danish military. The deliverables are intended for use in military training exercises as well as in international operations. Hence full system integration with the existing personnel protection equipment is required. The acquisition is divided into two lots. The first lot covers the purchase of rucksacks, … Se udbuddet »
Nævnte leverandører: Precision Technic Defence A/S