Indkøb: Danish Defence Acquisition and Logitics Organization

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Danish Defence Acquisition and Logitics Organization har historisk set været en køber af transportudstyr og transporthjælpemidler, diverse transportudstyr og reservedele og vejudstyr.

De seneste indkøb foretaget af Danish Defence Acquisition and Logitics Organization

2015-10-12   Airfield Sweepers (Danish Defence Acquisition and Logitics Organization)
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organzation (DALO) is to renew the carpark of Airfield sweepers. DALO wishes to purchase three Airfield Sweepers, including a 2-year Initial Spare Part Package for each Airfield Sweeper, training and education in regards to operation and maintenance, including an option to purchase additional two Airfield sweepers including a 2-year Initial Spare Part Package for each Airfield sweeper. The general purpose of the vehicles is to keep the Airfield paving free of … Se udbuddet »