Acquisition of Tactical Data Link Consultancy Services

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization

This contract notice concerns a re-tender regarding a contract for the procurement of Consultancy Services for the acquisition of a Tactical Data Link (TDL) System for the Royal Danish Navy (RDN). The supplier of the TDL Consultancy Services shall continue the work already made by the present supplier when the present agreement no longer is effective. The present supplier has reviewed, prepared, and produced a long list of documents, summarizing to approximately 7,000 pages.
The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) will acquire and implement a number of TDL systems for the RDN within the next few years. The TDL to be purchased will be a standard Multilink System (MLS) with Link 16, Link 22, JREAP C and SIMPLE, which will be installed and tested on a number of ships in the RDN (by a ‘standard MLS’ DALO means a similar system to what has been developed, produced and sold to another costumer) and interfaced to a national Combat Management System (CMS). The acquisition of the TDL systems will be carried out according to the rules of directive 2009/81/EC (the EU defence and security procurement directive).
Prior to acquisition and implementation of TDL systems for the RDN, DALO will acquire TDL Consultancy Services. The supplier of the TDL Consultancy Services shall assist DALO in the acquisition process for the TDL systems.
The supplier of the Consultancy Services shall act as a costumer friend and TDL Subject Matter Expert (SME) during the acquisition process for the TDL systems, thus supporting and facilitating DALO and the RDN users during the entire acquisition process of the TDL systems, finalization of the tender procedure to receiving the equipment and setting it into operation. Furthermore, the supplier shall assist DALO with consultancy for development of the Terma CMS, as well as provide general TDL education during the acquisition process.
The services required from the supplier involve assisting DALO with the following tasks:
- aid for development of requirements for purchase of TDL-systems, related components and tools for simulation, test and analysis;
- conduct training on both basic and masterclass level in TDL for DALO and RDN;
- participation in video- and telephone conferences (VTC) on TDL systems;
- exchange of knowledge and information on TDL and new developments in the industry, standards and experiences from other nations having the same systems;
- support DALO during the tender process with the dialogue with the tenderers, including answering technical questions from tenderers and participation in negotiations;
- support DALO with the validation and evaluation of incoming tenders;
- support and advice DALO with the configuration, installation and integration of the TDL on the ships and for land based unit(s);
- support DALO with the acceptance tests of the TDL. This will include define and prepare the test plan;
- support DALO in the establishment of the support and maintenance concept and organization for the TDL and adjacent systems;
- support DALO in the implementation and integration of the TDL and adjacent systems;
- support DALO in the dialogue with the provider of the RDN Combat Management System (Terma) and in dialogue with other external parties, e.g. NILE, NATO and the Link16 communities.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2023-06-30. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2023-05-30.

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