Participation in the tendering procedure may only take place by electronic means via the electronic
tendering system used by the contracting entity, see the address set out in section I.3).
If the application contains several versions of the same document, the latest uploaded version will apply.
DSB estimates the order to between DKK 30.000.000 and DKK 40.000.000.
The CPV category for this tender is stated to 31500000-1 - "Lighting equipment and electric lamps" (as only 1 major category can be defined, however it may also be relevant or relate to the other CPV categories:
31000000-6 "Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting"
31532000-4 "Parts of lamps and light fittings"
34990000-3 "Control, safety, signaling and light equipment"
All communication in connection with the tender procedure, including questions and answers must take
place through the electronic tendering system. Interested operators are requested to keep updated via the electronic tendering system. If the candidate encounters problems with the system, please contact support by e-mail,, or telephone (+45) 70 20 80 14.
The candidate must also submit a letter of commitment in which the entity/entities on which the candidate
relies has/have undertaken joint and several liability with the candidate if the candidate is awarded the
contract. The form is enclosed as an attachment to the tender specifications.
The candidate will be excluded from participation in the tendering procedure if the candidate is subject to
the compulsory grounds for exclusion set out in ss.135 and 136 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, cf.
s.10, para. (1) of Ministerial Order on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport
and postal services sectors, unless the candidate has submitted sufficient documentation for its reliability
in accordance with s.138 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, cf. s.10(1), para. (2) of the Danish
Implementing Order (implementeringsbekendtgørelsen).
As regards sections II.1.5) and II.2.6), it should be noted that the amount is a qualified estimation of the
expected contract price for the entire term of the contract, including the price of all options. The estimate
is based on the contracting entity's market and technical knowhow.
As regards section II.2.9) it should be noted that each candidate may only submit one application for
The contracting entity may ask the applicant to supplement, specify or complete the application pursuant
to Article 76, para. (4) of the Utilities Directive if the application/tender does not meet the formal
requirements of the procurement documents.
The contracting entity reserves the right to award the contract on the basis of the initial tender.