The overall purpose of the analysis is to investigate the extent of the impact that these offshore wind farms will have on the Defence’s radar, and the resulting consequences for the Defence’s ability to carry out assigned authority tasks. Based on the analysis results, the Defence determines the need for any necessary mitigation measures as well as an associated cost estimate, which can then be incorporated into the Danish Energy Agency’s tender materials for the Energy Island project and the ‘Mere Havvind’ projects.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2022-10-24.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2022-09-30.
Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:
Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Radar analysis for offshore windfarms
Produkter/tjenester: Rådgivning i forbindelse med miljøteknik📦
Kort beskrivelse:
“The overall purpose of the analysis is to investigate the extent of the impact that these offshore wind farms will have on the Defence’s radar, and the...”
Kort beskrivelse
The overall purpose of the analysis is to investigate the extent of the impact that these offshore wind farms will have on the Defence’s radar, and the resulting consequences for the Defence’s ability to carry out assigned authority tasks. Based on the analysis results, the Defence determines the need for any necessary mitigation measures as well as an associated cost estimate, which can then be incorporated into the Danish Energy Agency’s tender materials for the Energy Island project and the ‘Mere Havvind’ projects.
Vis mere
Anslået værdi uden moms: EUR 1 000 000 💰
Oplysninger om partier
Der kan afgives bud for alle partier
Maksimalt antal partier, der kan tildeles én tilbudsgiver: 5
Omfanget af udbuddet
Den ordregivende myndighed forbeholder sig ret til at tildele kontrakter, der kombinerer følgende delkontrakter eller grupper af delkontrakter:
“Each pre-qualified tenderer may tender for one or all lots of the tenderers' choice. However, the tenderers' tenders for each lot must be completely...”
Den ordregivende myndighed forbeholder sig ret til at tildele kontrakter, der kombinerer følgende delkontrakter eller grupper af delkontrakter
Each pre-qualified tenderer may tender for one or all lots of the tenderers' choice. However, the tenderers' tenders for each lot must be completely independent of each other. It is e.g. not allowed to propose a price for lot 1, subject to also being awarded lot 2.
1️⃣ Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Hesselø South
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 1
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Miljøvurdering i forbindelse med bygge- og anlægsarbejder📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Tekniske undersøgelser, analyser og rådgivning📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Tekniske undersøgelser eller rådgivning📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Radar📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Radaranlæg📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Radardetektorer📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Luftforsvarsradar📦
Sted for udførelsen: Danmark🏙️
Hovedsted eller sted for udførelsen: 15 to 30 km north of Sealand in Kattegat, Danish EEZ
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“The overall purpose of the analysis is to investigate the extent of the impact that these offshore wind farms will have on the Defence’s radar, and the...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
The overall purpose of the analysis is to investigate the extent of the impact that these offshore wind farms will have on the Defence’s radar, and the resulting consequences for the Defence’s ability to carry out assigned authority tasks. Based on the analysis results, the Defence determines the need for any necessary mitigation measures as well as an associated cost estimate, which can then be incorpo-rated into the Danish Energy Agency’s tender materials for the Energy Island project and the ‘Mere Havvind’ projects.
Vis mere Kriterier for tildeling
Prisen er ikke det eneste tildelingskriterium, og alle kriterier er kun anført i udbudsdokumenterne
Omfanget af udbuddet
Anslået samlet værdi ekskl. moms: EUR 200 000 💰
Kontraktens, rammeaftalens eller det dynamiske indkøbssystems varighed
Nedenstående tidsramme er udtrykt i antal måneder.
Varighed: 12
Kontraktens, rammeaftalens eller det dynamiske indkøbssystems varighed
Denne kontrakt kan forlænges ✅ Beskrivelse
Beskrivelse af fornyelser:
“All lots can be renewed individually until the tasks covered by the tender have been completed.” Oplysninger om begrænsningerne i antallet af ansøgere, der kan indbydes
Påtænkt antal ansøgere: 5
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere:
“If more than 5 applicants fulfill the minimum requirements, cf. section III, the Contracting Authority will prequalify the 5 applicants who are evaluated as...”
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere
If more than 5 applicants fulfill the minimum requirements, cf. section III, the Contracting Authority will prequalify the 5 applicants who are evaluated as most qualified for the specific tendered assignment. Only these applicants will be invited to submit a tender. The selection of the applicants will be based on the submitted references. That is to which extend the reference(s) are assed to be similar to the tendered assignment, cf. section II.2.4, in terms of comparability and relevance. As a result, the number of references will not be the determining factor alone, but more importantly to which degree the specific forwarded references are comparable and relevant to the tendered assignment regarding solution and scope.
The following will be evaluated as positive:
• The references are from similar types of projects in content and extent of investigations and relate to radar analyses.
Vis mere Oplysninger om valgmuligheder
Indstillinger ✅
Beskrivelse af mulighederne: The tender includes an option for detailed assessment for each lot.
Yderligere oplysninger:
“Please note that this is a negotiated procedure. With the exception of mandatory parts, the Tender Documents may as a result undergo changes as part of the...”
Yderligere oplysninger
Please note that this is a negotiated procedure. With the exception of mandatory parts, the Tender Documents may as a result undergo changes as part of the negotiation process.
2️⃣ Omfanget af udbuddet
“Energy Island Bornholm (Bornholm I North, Bornholm I South and Bornholm II) Energy Island Bornholm (Bornholm I North, Bornholm I South and Bornholm II)” Titel
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 2
Hovedsted eller sted for udførelsen: The Baltic Sea, Danish EEZ
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“The overall purpose of the analysis is to investigate the extent of the impact that these offshore wind farms will have on the Defence’s radar, and the...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
The overall purpose of the analysis is to investigate the extent of the impact that these offshore wind farms will have on the Defence’s radar, and the resulting consequences for the Defence’s ability to carry out assigned authority tasks. Based on the analysis results, the Defence determines the need for any necessary mitigation measures as well as an associated cost estimate, which can then be incorporated into the Danish Energy Agency’s tender materials for the Energy Island project and the ‘Mere Havvind’ projects.
Vis mere Omfanget af udbuddet
Anslået samlet værdi ekskl. moms: EUR 200 000 💰
Oplysninger om begrænsningerne i antallet af ansøgere, der kan indbydes
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere:
“If more than 5 applicants fulfill the minimum requirements, cf. section III, the Contracting Authority will prequalify the 5 applicants who are evaluated as...”
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere
If more than 5 applicants fulfill the minimum requirements, cf. section III, the Contracting Authority will prequalify the 5 applicants who are evaluated as most qualified for the specific tendered assignment. Only these applicants will be invited to submit a tender. The selection of the applicants will be based on the submitted references. That is to which extend the reference(s) are assed to be similar to the ten-dered assignment, cf. section II.2.4, in terms of comparability and relevance. As a result, the number of references will not be the determining factor alone, but more importantly to which degree the specific forwarded references are comparable and relevant to the tendered assignment regarding solution and scope.
The following will be evaluated as positive:
• The references are from similar types of projects in content and extent of investigations and relate to radar analyses.
Vis mere Beskrivelse
Yderligere oplysninger:
“Please note that this is a negotiated procedure. With the exception of man-datory parts, the Tender Documents may as a result undergo changes as part of the...”
Yderligere oplysninger
Please note that this is a negotiated procedure. With the exception of man-datory parts, the Tender Documents may as a result undergo changes as part of the negotiation process.
3️⃣ Omfanget af udbuddet
“Kriegers Flak II North and Kriegers Flak II South Kriegers Flak II North and Kriegers Flak II South” Titel
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 3
Hovedsted eller sted for udførelsen: Kriegers Flak in The Baltic Sea, Danish EEZ
Omfanget af udbuddet
Anslået samlet værdi ekskl. moms: EUR 200 000 💰
4️⃣ Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Kattegat
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 4
Hovedsted eller sted for udførelsen: 15-30 km east of Jutland Kattegat, Danish EEZ
Omfanget af udbuddet
Anslået samlet værdi ekskl. moms: EUR 200 000 💰
5️⃣ Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: North Sea
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 5
Hovedsted eller sted for udførelsen: 20 to 50 km west of Jutland in the North Sea, Danish EEZ
Omfanget af udbuddet
Anslået samlet værdi ekskl. moms: EUR 200 000 💰
Juridiske, økonomiske, finansielle og tekniske oplysninger Betingelser for deltagelse
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af betingelserne:
“The following applies to all lots.
In order to be considered for the tender, Tenderer, or at least employees who will handle classified material, must be...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af betingelserne
The following applies to all lots.
In order to be considered for the tender, Tenderer, or at least employees who will handle classified material, must be approved by the Danish Defence Intelligence Service. Offeror must uphold a security clearance of no less than “Til Tjenestebrug” or equivalent, issued by a nation with which Denmark has an industry security agreement (e.g. NATO Restricted, Restreint EU).
At any given time, the Tenderer is responsible to uphold the obtained security clearance throughout the collaboration – at no cost for The Contracting Authority. Tenderer must by own measures ensure that any renewal of obtained security clearance is made timely, in order to ensure its validity through-out the collaboration.
Foreign companies bidding for the tender, must following the tender submission submit a filled Facility Security Clearance Information Sheet to the Danish Ministry of Defence.
Confirmation that the applicant meets the requirements must be stated in the ESPD part IV. The applicant is obligated to document the fulfillment of the requirement if so, requested by the Contracting Authority.
The Contracting Authority will perform a check to control whether a security clearance is obtained. The Applicant cannot be prequalified without a security clearance of no less than “Til Tjenestebrug” or equivalent, issued by a nation with which Denmark has an industry security agreement (e.g. NATO Restricted, Restreint EU).
For a Danish company, or an individual employed in a Danish company, a check of whether a security clearance is obtained can be carried out from day to day.
For a foreign company, the above-mentioned Facility Security Clearance Information Sheet cf. FKOBST 358-1, Appendix 5 to section III to chapter 8 will have to be completed and forwarded.
After receiving the completed form, it is forwarded via the Defense Intelligence Service (FE) to the security authority of the relevant country where the company is approved. FE will receive a response within 5 working days and forward the response via us to the Danish Energy Agency/Energinet.
Vis mere Økonomisk og finansiel stilling
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier:
“The following applies to all lots.
The applicant must confirm the economic ability in the ESPD part IV.B: “Economic and financial standing” with information...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier
The following applies to all lots.
The applicant must confirm the economic ability in the ESPD part IV.B: “Economic and financial standing” with information from the latest annual report regarding the following economic indicators:
1. Equity (total equity incl. share capital, reserves, revaluation, retained earning etc.)
2. Equity ratio (equity/total assets). This must be stated with two decimals.
If the applicant is relying on the capacities of one or more other entities (e.g. a parent or sister company or a subcontractor) or the applicant is a group of economic operators (e.g. a consortium) the in-formation for the ESPD part IV.B must also be given in a separate ESPD from each of these entities, cf. section VI.3 “Additional information”. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to secure that the minimum level(s) of standards required are reached on the basis of consolidation when the applicant is relying on the capacity of other entities or when the applicant is a group of economic operators (e.g. a consortium).
“Concerning 1: Equity from the latest annual report must, at the time of prequalification, be at least 66.666,67 EURO.
Concerning 2: Equity ratio from the...”
Concerning 1: Equity from the latest annual report must, at the time of prequalification, be at least 66.666,67 EURO.
Concerning 2: Equity ratio from the latest annual report must, at the time of prequalification, be at least 20 pct. If the equity ratio is between 15 pct. and 20 pct. the applicant can qualify if Equity exceeds 200.000 EURO.
Vis mere Teknisk og faglig kompetence
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier:
“The following applies to all lots.
The applicant can include the up to 3 most comparable and relevant references undertaken in the past three (3) years as...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier
The following applies to all lots.
The applicant can include the up to 3 most comparable and relevant references undertaken in the past three (3) years as part of the application. The references must be stated in the ESPD part IV.C: “Technical and professional ability”. Undertaken in the past three (3) years implies that the reference must not have been completed prior to the date reached when counting 3 years backwards from the sub-mission date for prequalification. References older than this will not be taken into consideration. References which have not yet been fully completed can be included as part of the application, but if this is the case, the applicant must describe the parts which have not yet been delivered, and this may affect the evaluation of the applicant, cf. section II.2.9.
The references should include:
• A specific description of the work performed for each reference, including a detailed description of the radar analyses performed under the reference.
• Contract value (if possible)
• Contact information for the entity in question (including contact person)
• Date of initiation and final delivery (day, month, year)
Any ambiguities and/or incomprehensibilities concerning the above information may have a negative effect on the selection of candidates, cf. section II.2.9. Please note the “description” box can contain more text than is visible. I.e. it is possible to copy paste text into the box.
If the applicant is relying on the references of one or more other entities (e.g. a parent or sister company or a subcontractor) or the applicant is a group of economic operators (e.g. a consortium) the information for the ESPD part IV.C must also be given in a separate ESPD from each of these entities.
The number of references should not surpass a maximum of the 3 most comparable and relevant references. If the applicant is relying on the capacity of one or more other entities (e.g. a parent or sister company or a subcontractor) or the applicant is a group of economic operators (e.g. a consortium) the maximum number of references to be submitted must still be respected and cannot exceed 3 when combined. If more than 3 references are submitted, the Contracting Authority will only consid-er the 3 most recent references determined by date of final delivery (in this case not yet finished references will not be included).
Vis mere Betingelser for deltagelse
Betingelser for deltagelse (tekniske og faglige kvalifikationer):
“The applicant must document:
• One (1) reference regarding radar analyses similar to the tendered task.
• The Contracting Authority will perform a check to...”
Betingelser for deltagelse (tekniske og faglige kvalifikationer)
The applicant must document:
• One (1) reference regarding radar analyses similar to the tendered task.
• The Contracting Authority will perform a check to control whether a security clearance is
obtained. The Applicant cannot be prequalified without a security clearance of no less than “Til Tjenestebrug” or equivalent, issued by a nation with which Denmark has an industry security agreement (e.g. NATO Restricted, Restreint EU).
Vis mere
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af regler og kriterier:
“The applicant must submit a completed version of the ESPD.
Applicants may not be subject to the mandatory grounds for exclusion, cf. the Danish Public...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af regler og kriterier
The applicant must submit a completed version of the ESPD.
Applicants may not be subject to the mandatory grounds for exclusion, cf. the Danish Public Procurement Act (udbudsloven) Section 135 (1-3) and 136.
Please see section VI.3 “Additional information” for further information regarding the ESPD. The application must be submitted through EU-Supply, cf. link in section I.1 in this notification. Applications not submitted via EU-supply or received after the deadline will not be accepted.
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to request the applicant to supplement, specify or complete the information submitted.
Vis mere
Krav om deponering og sikkerhedsstillelse: The information is stated in the Tender Documents.
De vigtigste finansieringsbetingelser og betalingsordninger og/eller henvisning til de relevante bestemmelser, der regulerer dem: The information is stated in the Tender Documents.
Den juridiske form, som den sammenslutning af økonomiske aktører, der skal have kontrakten, skal have:
“No special legal form is required.
If the agreements are awarded to a group of economic operators (e.g. a consortium) the participants are required to...”
Den juridiske form, som den sammenslutning af økonomiske aktører, der skal have kontrakten, skal have
No special legal form is required.
If the agreements are awarded to a group of economic operators (e.g. a consortium) the participants are required to undertake joint and several liabilities and to appoint one economic operator to represent the group.
Vis mere Betingelser i forbindelse med kontrakten
Betingelser for opfyldelse af kontrakten: The information is stated in the Tender Documents.
Procedure Type af procedure
Forhandlet procedure med forudgående indkaldelse af konkurrencer
Oplysninger om reduktion af antallet af løsninger eller tilbud under forhandling eller dialog
Anvendelse af en trinvis procedure for gradvist at reducere antallet af løsninger, der skal drøftes, eller af tilbud, der skal forhandles
Administrative oplysninger
Frist for modtagelse af bud eller ansøgninger om deltagelse: 2022-10-24
12:00 📅
Sprog, på hvilke bud eller ansøgninger om deltagelse kan indgives: engelsk 🗣️
Nedenstående tidsramme er udtrykt i antal måneder.
Minimumsfrist, inden for hvilken tilbudsgiveren skal opretholde tilbuddet: 6
Supplerende oplysninger Oplysninger om elektroniske arbejdsgange
Elektronisk fakturering vil blive accepteret
Der vil blive anvendt elektronisk betaling
Yderligere oplysninger
“The applicant must submit a completed ESPD to apply for prequalification for this tender procedure. The ESPD for this tender can be found via EU-supply. The...”
The applicant must submit a completed ESPD to apply for prequalification for this tender procedure. The ESPD for this tender can be found via EU-supply. The ESPD must be completed in EU-Supply and submitted via “My Response”. A guide to the ESPD can be found on the webpage of the Competition and Consumer Authority ( in Danish (the Contracting Authority is not responsible for the content of the guide).
Please note:
- An applicant participating on its own, but relying on the capacities of one or more other entities (e.g. a parent or sister company or a subcontractor), must ensure that the application includes the applicants own ESPD together with a separate ESPD from each of the entities it relies on with a completed part II: “Information concerning the economic operator” and part III: “Exclusion grounds” of the ESPD as well as the relevant information regarding part IV: “Selection criteria” and part V: “Reduction of the number of qualified candidates”. The ESPD from each of the entities should be duly filled and signed by the entities concerned.
Further where an applicant wants to rely on the capacities of other entities, it shall prove to the contracting authority that it will have at its disposal the resources necessary, for example, by producing a commitment by those entities to that effect, which must be submitted as part of the final documentation.
- Where groups of economic operators, including temporary associations, participate together in the procurement procedure, a complete separate ESPD for each of the participating economic operators must be submitted.
Further the final documentation must include a signed declaration by all parties of the group of economic operators (joint venture, consortium or other) stating that all economic operators assume joint and several liabilities towards the Contracting Authority for the performance of the contract as a whole.
Vis mere Gennemgå organ
Navn: Klagenævntet for Udbud
Postadresse: Nævnenes Hus, Toldboden 2
Postby: Viborg
Postnummer: 8800
Land: Danmark 🇩🇰
Telefon: +45 72405708📞
URL:🌏 Gennemgangsprocedure
Præcise oplysninger om fristerne for gennemgangsprocedurer:
“Complaints regarding a candidate not being pre-qualified must be filed with The Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 20 calendar days starting the...”
Præcise oplysninger om fristerne for gennemgangsprocedurer
Complaints regarding a candidate not being pre-qualified must be filed with The Complaints Board for Public Procurement within 20 calendar days starting the day after the contracting authority has sent notification to the candidates involved, provided that the notification includes a short account of the relevant reasons for the decision.
Other complaints must be filed with The Complaints Board for Public Procurement within:
1) 45 calendar days after the contracting authority has published a contract award notice in the Official Journal of the European Union (with effect from the day following the publication date);
2) 30 calendar days starting the day after the contracting authority has informed the tenderers in question, that the contracting authority has entered into a contract based on a framework agreement through reopening of competition or a dynamic purchasing system, provided that the notification includes a short account of the relevant reasons for the decision.
3) 6 months starting the day after the contracting authority has sent notification to the candidates/tenderers involved that the contracting authority has entered into the framework agreement, provided that the notification included a short account of the relevant reasons for the decision.
Vis mere Tjeneste, hvorfra der kan indhentes oplysninger om klageproceduren
Navn: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Postadresse: Carl Jacobsen Vej 35
Postby: Valby
Postnummer: 2500
Land: Danmark 🇩🇰
Telefon: +45 41715000📞
Kilde: OJS 2022/S 192-545444 (2022-09-30)
Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter (2023-07-06) Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
Samlet værdi af indkøbsaftalen (ekskl. moms): EUR 1 033 421 💰
Oplysninger om partier
Denne kontrakt er opdelt i partier ✅
Procedure Administrative oplysninger
Tidligere offentliggørelse vedrørende denne procedure: 2022/S 192-545444
Tildeling af kontrakt
Kontraktnummer: 1
Titel: Radar analysis for offshore windfarms
Dato for indgåelse af kontrakten: 2023-06-30 📅
Navn og adresse på kontrahenten
Navn: LiveLink Aerospace
Nationalt registreringsnummer: 10393504
Postadresse: McCormack House, 56a East Street
Postby: Havant
Postnummer: PO18 9AB
Land: Storbritannien 🇬🇧
Region: United Kingdom 🏙️
Entreprenøren er en SMV
Oplysninger om kontraktens/parcellens værdi (ekskl. moms)
Kontraktens/parcellens samlede værdi: EUR 1 033 421 💰
Kilde: OJS 2023/S 131-417666 (2023-07-06)