Towed Array Sonar (TAS) for the Royal Danish Navy

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization

The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) intend to acquire two Low frequency Active Towed Array Sonar (TAS) systems and a spare wet end for the Royal Danish Navy (RDN).
The TAS systems shall be designed to detect and track submerged submarines. Furthermore, the systems shall be able to detect and track torpedoes.
The systems are to be used for active detection and tracking but will also be used for passive detection, analysis/classification and tracking.
The TAS systems are to be operated from the ABSALON Class (ABSL-CL) Frigates, operating on their own or as part of a task group. The TAS systems will be used in an environment where Danish ASW helicopters equipped with dipping sonar and all types of ASW assets from allied nations are operating.
The primary area of deployment and use of the TAS system is the Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom (GIUK) gap, and secondarily, the Danish approaches in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Baltic. The TAS system shall therefore be a dedicated Blue Water system able to some extent to operate in shallow waters.
The TAS system shall be able to be deployed and retrieved in conditions up to sea-state 5.
When used in North Atlantic conditions the demanded detection ranges are 1st convergence zone (16 Nautical Miles) and beyond.
The TAS system shall be able to operate actively within a frequency range below 3 kHz.
When operating with the TAS system, deployment depths of the sensor(s) shall be at least 130 m at 10 knots towspeed.
The transmitter and receiver parts will be deployed by a limited number of dedicated deck personnel. No mechanically connecting/disconnecting of the wet end parts are to be done by the deck handling crew during deployment and retrieval of the wet end.
For the purpose of training operators, software for a shore based sonar simulator TAS system shall be part of the acquisition.
A sonar protocol simulator will also be purchased for developing the interface for C-Flex Combat Management System (CMS).
The Supplier shall provide training service as part of the acquisition.
A sustainment contract with a duration up to 25 years is part of the tender, and shall cover the following services:
— service,
— maintenance,
— spare parts,
— training.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2021-02-04. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2021-01-04.




Dato Dokument
2021-01-04 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2023-06-01 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter