I.3) In order to get access to the tender material please register in Ørsted Procurement Portal here:
Guide on how to get access to the tender material:
1) Register on
www.orstedprocurement.com under ‘Register Here’ if you have not already done so;
2) Log-in to Jaggaer with your username and password;
3) Click on ‘My RFIs’;
4) Click ‘RFI Open to All Suppliers’;
5) Click on the arrow in the search bar and choose if you want to search for RFI description or project code. In the drop-down list, choose ‘Contains’ and search in the blank field next to it and click ‘Search’;
Project name: project_494 - DOP VOC Emission Management — LRVC Unit
RFI name: rfi_156 - Liquid Ring Vacuum Compressor (LRVC) (PQ-phase).
6) Click on the RFI;
7) Click ‘Express Interest’ and click ‘OK’ to the pop-up messages;
8) The RFI is now moved over to ‘My RFI’s’ and you can see the tender materials and create a response under ‘My Response’;
II.1.5) The estimated value of the contract is EUR 1 200 000-1 700 000.
IV.1.4) Please note, the Contracting Entity reserves the right to nominate a short list of tenderers for additional negotiations after the first revised tender.
IV.2.4) The application for pre-qualification can be submitted in Danish or English. However, the offer — preliminary, revised and BAFOs - must be submitted in English only, cf. the tender conditions.
The Applicant must submit a completed eESPD to apply for pre-qualification for this tender procedure.
Final documentation must include a signed declaration by all parties of the group of economic operators (joint venture, consortium or other) stating that all economic operators assume joint and several liabilities towards the contracting entity for the performance of the contract as a whole. This should be based on the template in the tender documents.
For supporting entities (if relevant) final documentation must include a signed letter of support. This should be based on the template in the tender documents.
The Applicant must confirm that the Applicant (and Other Entities or participants in e.g. a consortium) is not covered by the mandatory exclusion grounds laid down in section 135 (1)-(3) and section 136 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Otherwise, the Contracting Entity is obliged to exclude the Applicant, see, however, section 135(4) and (5) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
The Applicant must further confirm that the Applicant (and Other Entities or participants in e.g. a Consortium) is not covered by the following optional exclusion grounds cf. section 137 (1), no. 2 of the Danish Public Procurement Act:
— Conditions concerning insolvency/bankruptcy or the like cf. no 2.
In continuation of the notification of pre-qualification, the Tenderer, Other Entities and participants in e.g. a Consortium must, at the Contracting Entity’s request, submit documentation in accordance with sections 144 and 152 of the Danish Public Procurement Act for the information provided in the ESPD in connection with the pre-qualification.
The documentation includes:
A) Exclusion Grounds;
B) Economic and financial standing;
C) Technical and professional ability — references;
D) Documentation of certifications for ISO 9001 or equivalent;
E) Letter of Support and Declaration of joint and several liability.
The European Commission’s guide for e-Certis can be downloaded under the following link:
Danish applicants may use a service certificate from the Danish Business Authority as documentation regarding exclusion grounds.
Any costs entailed in the drawing up and preparation of the application for pre-qualification or tenders are of no concern to the Contracting Entity. This is also the case if the project is not granted all necessary internal approvals allowing the project to be continued into the execution phase.