The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) intend to acquire two Low frequency Active Towed Array Sonar (TAS) systems and a spare wet end for the Royal Danish Navy (RDN).
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2020-11-24.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2020-10-20.
Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Towed Array Sonar for the Royal Danish Navy
Produkter/tjenester: Sonarer📦
Kort beskrivelse: ‘Termination of Tender’.
Supplerende oplysninger Oprindelig reference til meddelelsen
Meddelelsesnummer i EUT S: 2020/S 207-506073
Ændringer Tekst, der skal berigtiges i den oprindelige meddelelse
Afsnittets nummer: III.2.3)
Sted for den tekst, der skal ændres: Information about renewals
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Ny værdi
“DALO has terminated the tender procedure for acquisition of Towed Array Sonar for the Royal Danish Navy due to error in the requirements regarding security...”
DALO has terminated the tender procedure for acquisition of Towed Array Sonar for the Royal Danish Navy due to error in the requirements regarding security clearance, which needs to be rectified.
“DALO has terminated the tender procedure for acquisition of Towed Array Sonar for the Royal Danish Navy due to error in the requirements regarding security...”
DALO has terminated the tender procedure for acquisition of Towed Array Sonar for the Royal Danish Navy due to error in the requirements regarding security clearance, which needs to be rectified.
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Kilde: OJS 2020/S 245-608860 (2020-12-11)