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The intended impact of the project is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increased investment in the green energy transition facilitated by a strengthened enabling environment.
The project’s theory of change is that if support is provided to capacity development of energy authorities, better long-term energy planning and modelling and improved forecasting and facilitation of wind energy integration into the energy system, secondary legislation on appliances and ecodesign and the use of experience in energy savings obligations schemes, then the enabling environment for the sustainable energy sector will be significantly strengthened, leading to reduced greenhouse gas emissions and increased investment in the green energy transition, in turn contributing to the overall goal of supporting Georgia’s energy sector reform toward achievement of SDG7 and SDG13 targets, NDC emission reduction goals, and alignment with EU energy market rules.
The service to be delivered to the key energy authorities in Georgia is a TA package. The TA package will support and assist the Georgian partners. The TA package to be delivered by the consultant will support and assist the Georgian partners and the TA will consist of the national project manager, the international part time advisor, and a pool of Georgian and international technical specialists (pool of specialists) mobilised on-demand (by the Consultant).
The activities under the project to be carried out by the consultant are (generic across the project and its components and will be detailed in the proposed work plan in Inception report and updated half-yearly):
— mobilise the national project manager for his/her continued full-time assignment (tentatively by 15 November 2020) to facilitate a smooth transition between the relevant components of the current programme and the new project. The first input by the international part time advisor is also foreseen by tentatively mid-November 2020 to support and facilitate this transition,
— launch the inception period process through mobilisation of the international part time advisor and relevant specialists from the pool of specialists to work closely with the Georgian partners in developing an overall workplan and budget for the project and more specifically, the first annual work plan and budget based on the priority needs and priorities of the partners and as far as possible aligned to/integrated with the strategies and work plans of the partners. This will entail working closely with MOESD/Energy Reforms
and International Relations Department as well as the inter-departmental WGs for each component, ensuring that all relevant stakeholder perspectives are considered.
— mobilise technical expertise for TA inputs based on demands and priorities of the implementing agencies and directly linked to achievement of agreed work plans and committed project outputs and outcomes. Ensure that Georgian expertise is engaged where relevant,
— prepare TOR for each specialist input, a short mission preparation note, if relevant, and a debriefing note by each international specialist (pool of specialists) prepared and presented to the partner agency before leaving Georgia,
— assist and support the implementing partners in the monitoring of progress against the approved annual work plans and results framework baselines, targets and indicators, ensuring a focus on results, effectiveness, efficiency and impact potential including uptake of TA delivered,
— plan and implement study tours and other learning activities, facilitating participant selection for best institutional learning and ensuring that participants are well prepared for the learning and that it is shared,
— prepare outputs and reporting as specified below, taking responsibility for timely delivery and quality assurance while ensuring that partner inputs are well integrated and acknowledged to continuously reinforce partner ownership and sustainability of outputs and
Outcomes of the work.