Participation in the tendering procedure may only take place by electronic means via the electronic tendering system, see section I.3).
If the application contains several versions of the same document, the latest uploaded version will apply.
All communication in connection with the tender procedure, including questions and answers, must take place through the electronic tendering system. The contracting entity would prefer that questions regarding pre-qualification are submitted within 2 January 2021 at 12.00.
Interested operators are requested to keep updated via the electronic tendering system. If the candidate en-counters problems with the system, please contact support by e-mail,, or telephone (+45) 70 20 80 14.
The candidate must submit as its application an ESPD as preliminary documentation of the circumstances set out in section 148(1), paras (1)-(3) of the Danish Public Procurement Act, cf. s.11 of Ministerial Order on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors. For groups of operators (e.g. a consortium), a separate ESPD must be submitted for each participating economic operator. If the candidate relies on the capacity of other entities, an ESPD must be submitted for each of the entities on which the candidate relies.
The candidate will be excluded from participation in the tendering procedure if the candidate is subject to the compulsory grounds for exclusion set out in ss.135 and 136 of the Danish Public Procurement Act or the grounds for exclusion set out in s.137(1), para. 2, cf. s.10, para. (1) of Ministerial Order on procurement by entities operating in the water, energy, transport and postal services sectors, unless the candidate has submitted sufficient documentation for its reliability in accordance with s.138 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, cf. s.10(1), para. (2) of the Danish Implementing Order (implementeringsbekendtgørel-sen).
The voluntary grounds for exclusion are applied while complying with the principle of proportionality. Hence, trivial matters cannot result in the exclusion of the candidate. Several matters which, individually, are trivial in nature may, however, give rise to exclusion of the candidate.
Before the decision to award the contract is made, the tenderer to whom the contracting entity intends to award the contract must provide documentation of the information submitted in the ESPD pursuant to sections 151 and 152(3), cf. section 11 of the Danish Order on Implementation (implementeringsbekendtgørelsen).
In the event of change of the tenderer, the provisions of s.147 of the Danish Public Procurement Act will apply in their entirety.
As regards Section IV.2.4) it should be noted that during the contract period, the contract contains obligations to provide material in Danish, e.g. operation and maintenance manual. The tender material also contains Danish material that will not be provided in English.
As regards section II.2.7), it should be noted that it is expected to sign the contract in October 2021. The contract may have a longer duration if the contracting authority make use of the options described in the tender material.
A site visit will be possible. Information in this regards will be published on the electronic tendering system.
The contracting entity may ask the applicant to supplement, specify or complete the application pursuant to Article 76, para. (4) of the Utilities Directive if the application does not meet the formal requirements of the procurement documents.
The procurement is conducted subject to the achievement of the necessary funding basis.
The contracting entity reserves the right to conduct the negotiations in several stages for the purpose of limiting the number of tenders for negotiation.
The contracting entity reserves the right to award the contract on the basis of the initial tender.