The application must consist of the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD)
The applicant fills in the ESPD electronically in the system TrueTender.
— Section A: information about the economic operator,
— Section B: information about the economic operator’s representatives,
— Section C: information about reliance on the capacities of other entities,
— Section D: information concerning subcontractors on whose capacity the economic operator does not rely.
Exclusion grounds
— Section A: grounds relating to criminal convictions,
— Section B: grounds relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions: if there are any outstanding payments, click ‘Yes’ and state the outstanding amount,
— Section C: grounds relating to insolvency, conflicts of interest or professional misconduct:
The applicant must confirm that the applicant is not covered by the mandatory exclusion grounds laid down in section 135(1)-(3) and section 136 of the Danish Public Procurement Act. Otherwise, the contracting authority is obliged to exclude the applicant, see, however, section 135(4) and (5) of the Danish Public Procurement Act.
The applicant must further confirm, that the applicant is not covered by the following optional exclusion grounds cf. section 137 (1) of the Danish Public Procurement Act:
— conditions concerning insolvency/bankruptcy or the like cf. No 2,
— agreement for distortion of competition cf. No 4.
In this connection, reference is made to The European Commission’s guide for ESPD, which can be found under the following website:
In continuation of the notification of pre-qualification, the tenderer, other entities and association must, at the contracting authority’s request, submit documentation in accordance with sections 144 and 152 of the Danish Public Procurement Act for the information provided in the ESPD in connection with the pre-qualification. How this documentation must be submitted is described in the tender conditions section 3.1.1, 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.
The contracting authority is entitled, but not obliged, to request the tenderer, the association’s participants or other entities to supplement or specify the received documentation, see the Utilities Directive art. 76 (4).
If the tenderer, the association’s participants or other entities are from Denmark, the documentation is presented in the form of a service certificate from the Danish Business Authority. The service certificate must contain information from:
— the probate court under the Danish District courts,
— the Danish Customs and Tax Administration,
— the Danish Labour Market Supplementary Pension Fund (ATP),
— the Police (the Danish Central Crime Register) Please note that a ‘declaration of consent’ must be filled in, signed and uploaded when ordering the service certificate.
The service certificate must be maximum 12 months old calculated from the deadline for submission of the service certificate as stated by the contracting authority in the letter of request.
The processing time with the Danish business authority is approximately 2 weeks from when the order of the service certificate has been received.
If the tenderer, 1 or more of the participants in the association or other entities are not from Denmark, they must, as a general rule, submit the types of documentation stipulated in eCertis. eCertis is an online information system which must be used to find the right documentation to be used by EU member states in connection with invitations to tender.
The applicant/tenderer is requested to seek to clarify any unclear points and uncertainties by asking questions to the tender procedure. All questions must be submitted in TrueTender by clicking the icon ‘+’ under ‘Question’. Applicants/tenderers fill in dialog box with reference and the question. By clicking ‘Submit’ the question will be sent to the contracting authority.