Full Charter Auxiliary Air Transportation Services

The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO)

The Danish Acquisition and Logistics organisation (DALO) is expecting to enter into a framework agreement for full charter auxiliary air transportation services that meets the Danish Defence’s need for full charter aircrafts for cargo and passenger transport worldwide.
The Danish Defence has its own air transport capacity, however The Danish Defence‘s demand for air transport capacities supersedes its own capacity and therefore The Danish Defence needs to acquire additional civilian full charter aircraft assets.
The main service under the agreement is the delivery of full charter aircraft assets to support transportation of e.g. personnel, military working dogs (escorted by personnel), military equipment (weapons, ammunitions and dangerous goods), non-military equipment, PAX, odd-size equipment, heavy equipment (e.g. 10’ and 20’ containers), vehicles, temperature sensitive goods, materials and commodities in Denmark and worldwide.
The air transport tasks are typically to and from national and international missions, military exercises, humanitarian disasters, aid and relief and support for allied nations, however the list is not exhaustive. Tasks can include air transport in high risk/conflict and disaster areas, e.g. areas of war or war-like conditions, areas of high crime, areas affected by nature disasters or areas of extreme weather conditions.
Besides the above mentioned transport solutions, the agreement also covers various handling and administrative services, e.g. build-up and breakdown of pallets, loading and unloading of flight passengers, drafting of transit applications, handling of clearances, hot-line support etc. The services will be required on an ad-hoc basis.
The agreement is entered into by DALO. However, all divisions of the Danish Ministry of Defence, including all divisions of the Danish Defence which are subject to the command of the Chief of Defence shall be entitled to use the agreement for the purchase of full charter air transport assets on the terms and conditions of the agreement. The practical day to day handling, administration and contact with the Supplier in relations to the agreement will be conducted by the Joint Movement and Transportation Organization (JMTO) – a unit responsible for planning, organizing and executing transport solutions for all units within the Danish Defence.
Furthermore, the Danish Defence is a member of the Movement Coordination Center Europe (MCCE); a multinational organization that coordinates and optimizes strategic transport on behalf of its 28 members (within EU and NATO). The Danish Defence is an active participant offering air transport support to our allied nations trough the MCCE, and this service shall be supported by this agreement.
The framework agreement will be awarded as parallel agreements to 8 suppliers. After the commencement of the framework agreement the award of specific orders/tasks will be conducted through a light tender procedure (reopening of the competition), and each of the 8 suppliers will be invited to submit an offer. The details and conditions regarding the light tender procedure will be described in the tender documents.
Please note, that at the time of the tender, the services described above are those primarily envisioned by DALO to be performed under the Agreement, however the requirements related to and the need for transportation within and for the Danish Defence is constantly evolving due to the change in the context in which the Danish Defence operates. It is therefore expected that during the term of the Agreement there will be a development in the nature and character of services due to the continuous change and development of the Danish Defence and the tasks they solve.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2020-05-19. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2020-04-17.

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Dato Dokument
2020-04-17 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
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