Flexible Parts for Small Arms and Light Weapons

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization

The Danish Defence wishes to enter into 7 year framework agreements regarding flexible parts for small arms and light weapons.
The Danish Police are also entitled to use the Framework Agreements.
The Danish Defence operates in various environments across the globe. The various environments and different needs from the operators, demands for flexible parts to personalize and modularize the individual weapons to these environments and/or the operator.
Flexible parts include accessories, magazines, grips, rail covers, stocks, pouches, bipods adapters, dummy rounds, laser bore sights, folding stock adaptors and suppressors,har udvidet beskrivelsenh used to customize the specific weapon, according to the individual operator’s personal needs.
The Weapon Systems for all lots includes (but is not limited to):
— US Ordinance M60 E6
— Colt Canada C7 and C7 LSW (5.56x45 mm) with NAR
— Colt Canada C8, C8 CQB, C8 SFW and C8 IUR (5.56x45 mm) with NAR
— SIG MCX (.300BLK) with MLOK
— 40 mm LMT GRK (NAR)
— Colt Canada C20 (7.62x51 mm) with MLOK
— AI AXMC (.338 LM) with AI KEY MOD
— AI AX50 (12.7x99 mm) with AI KEY MOD
— AK47 (7.62x39 mm)
— AK74 (5.45x39 mm)
— M2HB QCB (12,7 mm)
— CZ 455 .17 HMR
— SIG P320
— Future acquisitions of Weapon Systems.
Flexible parts are divided in following categories:
— Lot 1: Magazines and accessories for magazines
— Lot 2: Weapon based accessories for NAR
— Lot 3: Weapon based accessories for M-Lok and AI KEY MOD
— Lot 4: Miscellaneous accessories
— Lot 5: Suppressors.
A tenderer can submit an offer for one, two, three or all lots.
A pre-qualification questionnaire should be submitted for each of the lots for which the Tenderer wish to be pre-qualified.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2021-01-15. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2020-12-11.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2020-12-11 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2021-09-22 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter
2021-10-04 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter