Acquisition of a Secure Voice Communication System (VCS)

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation

1) General description of the Contract:
This contract notice concerns DALO's award of an acquisition contract, with a sustainment framework agreement, for the procurement of a VCS, including sustainment, i.e. development, implementation, maintenance and support during its life time (20 years).
In order to facilitate both the acquisition and the sustainment, the acquisition contract includes two main contractual agreements: an acquisition contract and a sustainment framework agreement (together the ‘Contract’). These two agreements are mutually explanatory and shall be seen together as a whole that regulates the contractual relations between the winning supplier and DALO.
2) The acquisition contract:
The VCS shall facilitate voice communication for ground operational centers and other ground based operational entities as well as communication with airplanes and ships. The VCS will be used intensively and on a continual basis (24/7/365) by the Danish Defence, including and foremost the Royal Danish Navy in relation to maritime surface surveillance and the Royal Danish Air Force for air surveillance, air battle management and command and control.
Consequently, it is of utmost importance that the VCS and its functionalities operate with a high level of availability. Furthermore, in order for the VCS to efficiently and effectively contribute to the missions and operations within the span of tasks under the Danish Defence, the VCS must have the following functionalities and characteristics:
The VCS shall be scalable in terms of the number of centers, users, number of radios, types of radios and services. The VCS is to be installed in Denmark on approx. 30 remote radio sites and approx. 6 operational centers. Each radio site may have different types of radios allocated including HF, VHF, UHF and TETRA radios. Furthermore, the VCS shall integrate a voice recording system and a Cisco call manager based IP-telephone system operated by the Danish Defence (GFE).
The VCS’ primary function is to interconnect radios, telephone systems, intercom and public announcement systems. Besides the VCS’ primary function, the VCS shall be able to separate voice communication with different security classification levels, including NATO Secret, into separate domains.
The VCS shall be based on distributed system architecture eliminating single points of failures. The VCS shall have a dedicated management system. VCS system components shall be capable of being used in all locations with IP infrastructure, including over satellite links with high latency. The VCS shall be based on end-to-end IP technology preferable without encapsulation of legacy transport mechanisms.
Tempest modified equipment in the VCS shall be compliant to NATO SDIP-27.
The VCS will be using DALO’s own government furnished equipment (GFE), including IP-WAN, cryptographic devices and shall be designed to integrate a wide range of different types of radios. Tempest modified equipment is also required at selected locations of the VCS.
As part of the acquisition contract, the supplier shall deliver system documentation and technical maintenance documentation for the VCS. Furthermore, the supplier shall deliver initial training and education for all kinds of users, including operators, system administrators and super-users.
3) The sustainment framework agreement
During the expected lifetime of the VCS, the supplier shall deliver development services and maintenance, including the possibility to acquire spare-parts and hotline support. As part of these deliverables, the supplier shall ensure that the system documentation and the technical maintenance documentation are kept updated continuously. On request, DALO shall be able to acquire training and education for all kinds of users, including operators, system administrators and super-users, as well as tailor made courses.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2020-04-07. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2020-03-06.




Dato Dokument
2020-03-06 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2020-03-18 Supplerende oplysninger
2020-04-15 Supplerende oplysninger
2021-05-12 Supplerende oplysninger