The agreement consists of 4 elements. The main component is the SDN software which is handled under an ELA agreement that handles all licenses and usage cost. The same software solution is used both central and decentral at the locations. The software is what describes the solution and what is requested the hardware is just capacity and ports. The contract has a duration of 6 years, including possibility of extension on the part of the Contracting Entity 1 time of 2 years at a time to the effect that the contract may have a maximum duration of up to 8 years.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2019-03-08.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2019-02-21.
Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
“Tender for a Contract for the Delivery of an SDN Solution for Location for IT Connectivity (vol. II)”
Produkter/tjenester: It-tjenester: rådgivning, programmeludvikling, internet og support📦
Kort beskrivelse:
“The agreement consists of 4 elements. The main component is the SDN software which is handled under an ELA agreement that handles all licenses and usage...”
Kort beskrivelse
The agreement consists of 4 elements. The main component is the SDN software which is handled under an ELA agreement that handles all licenses and usage cost. The same software solution is used both central and decentral at the locations. The software is what describes the solution and what is requested the hardware is just capacity and ports. The contract has a duration of 6 years, including possibility of extension on the part of the Contracting Entity 1 time of 2 years at a time to the effect that the contract may have a maximum duration of up to 8 years.
Prior to the initiation of this procurement procedure, the Contracting Entity has performed a market survey to investigate the potential suppliers and possible solutions for the performance of the works procured. The Contracting Entity found that the use case is very special and that large manufacturers do not support such use. In addition, the Contracting Entity found many ways to solve the problems and reach the goals set, which is also supported in this tender procedure. By way of the market analysis, the Contracting Entity also gathered the information and the knowledge required to prepare and conduct this tender procedure, which would otherwise not have been possible. The agreement consists of 4 elements. The main component is the SDN software which is handled under an ELA agreement that handles all licenses and usage cost. The same software solution is used both central and decentral at the locations. The software is what describes the solution and what is requested the hardware is just capacity and ports.The hardware is divided into 2 areas, 1 used centrally to run the software solution provided and 1 for ports and connectivity to the software solution at the locations.
i) hardware centrally is used to support the software solution and consists of either dedicated hardware or standard components. This is where the software is installed and operated from. The environment is datacenters and normal conditions;
ii) hardware locally at the locations is used for connectivity back to the datacenters and ports locally at the location. This is where we connect both the fiber to support our topology and our local hardware to the devices offered. These are used for running the network and is a part of the software solution offered.
Other than the described requirements there are no implementation or maintenance services part of the agreement. We will operate the solution offered after we implement this. The Contracting Entity expects that, in connection with the prequalification, no more than 12 applicants will be prequalified to submit preliminary tenders. The Contracting Entity will make such selection on the basis of the references stated by the applicants in respect of the delivery of continuous technical consultancy services. The selection process is further described in the procurement documents. The contract has a duration of 6 years, including possibility of extension on the part of the Contracting Entity 1 time of 2 years at a time to the effect that the contract may have a maximum duration of up to 8 years.
Vis mere Kriterier for tildeling
Prisen er ikke det eneste tildelingskriterium, og alle kriterier er kun anført i udbudsdokumenterne
Kontraktens, rammeaftalens eller det dynamiske indkøbssystems varighed
Nedenstående tidsramme er udtrykt i antal måneder.
Varighed: 72
Kontraktens, rammeaftalens eller det dynamiske indkøbssystems varighed
Denne kontrakt kan forlænges ✅ Beskrivelse
Beskrivelse af fornyelser:
“The contract has a duration of 6 years, including possibility of extension on the part of the Contracting Entity 1 time of 2 years at a time to the effect...”
Beskrivelse af fornyelser
The contract has a duration of 6 years, including possibility of extension on the part of the Contracting Entity 1 time of 2 years at a time to the effect that the contract may have a maximum duration of up to 8 years.
Vis mere Oplysninger om begrænsningerne i antallet af ansøgere, der kan indbydes
Påtænkt antal ansøgere: 12
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere:
“The Contracting Entity expects that, in connection with the prequalification, no more than 12 applicants will be prequalified to submit preliminary...”
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere
The Contracting Entity expects that, in connection with the prequalification, no more than 12 applicants will be prequalified to submit preliminary tenders.
In the event of more than 12 applicants not excluded from participating in the tender procedure pursuant to paragraph 7.4) and otherwise compliant, the Contracting Entity will select the tenderers on the basis of the financial capacity in respect of the financial ratios stated for equity, profit/loss before tax and solvency ratio as well as references provided by the applicants. In this process, the contracting entity will primarily select the tenderers on the basis of the listed relevant references and secondly on the basis of the financial capacity in respect of the financial ratios, etc. Consequently, the Contracting Entity will make an overall evaluation of the applicants who have the best economic and technical capacity and select the tenderers on the basis thereof.
With a view to ensuring that the Contracting Entity generates effective competition in respect of the contract for which tenders are hereby invited, the Contracting Entity will select the participants in this tender procedure on the basis of the hardware and software manufacturer stated by the applicants in the “PQQ – manufacturer information”.
Thus, to be used for the selection of participants, the applicants must complete the published document "PQQ – manufacturer data", and this document must accompany the application for prequalification. The applicants are entitled to list three (3) different combinations of hardware manufacturers and software manufacturers. The applicants are obliged to ensure that the listed combinations will also be presented in the tenders submitted.
The Contracting Entity intends to select no more than 2 participants for each of the listed identical combinations of hardware and software manufacturers.
The combinations of hardware and software manufacturers stated in the applications filed will consequently be arranged in groups. Within each group of identical combinations of hardware and software manufacturers, the Contracting Entity will select the 2 best qualified applicants. This qualification and selection will be made on the basis of the references, performing similar work and secondly on the listed financial capacity as stated by the applicants, cf. above and in paragraph 7.4), and as elaborated on immediately below.
The Contracting Entity will prequalify no more than 12 applicants who, in the opinion of the Contracting Entity, are most suitable for performing the work.
The Contracting Entity will make such selection on the basis of the references stated by the applicants in respect of the delivery of continuous technical consultancy services and assistance within the areas and deadlines mentioned in paragraph 7.4 above.
Great importance will be attached to the applicant having stated references in respect of the delivery of technical consultancy services within all the areas mentioned in paragraph 7.4).
Great importance will also be attached to at least 1 of the key persons used in the reference (meaning a person having had an important role in performing the work) still being employed with the applicant at the time of filing the application.
The Contracting Entity will only consider 5 completed or pending references per applicant within the most recent 3 years (including any consortium parties/supporting entities). If applicants have stated more references than 5, the Contracting Entity will at its discretion select which 5 references will be included in its evaluation.
Vis mere Oplysninger om valgmuligheder
Indstillinger ✅
Beskrivelse af mulighederne:
“There are 3 voluntary options:
i) an option that the customer does not migrate each location to the new SDN solution but procures this from the...”
Beskrivelse af mulighederne
There are 3 voluntary options:
i) an option that the customer does not migrate each location to the new SDN solution but procures this from the tenderer;
ii) an option that the customer does not deploy the new hardware placed centrally nor the software part of this but pro-cures this from the tenderer;
iii) SFP and optics is offered as an option where the option is per unit and several options are needed. All is single mode optics and different versions can be offered. The options are also described further in the procurement documents.
Juridiske, økonomiske, finansielle og tekniske oplysninger Betingelser for deltagelse
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af betingelserne:
“Applicants are excluded from participating in the tender procedure if they are subject to the grounds for exclusion laid down in ss 135–137 of the Danish...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af betingelserne
Applicants are excluded from participating in the tender procedure if they are subject to the grounds for exclusion laid down in ss 135–137 of the Danish Public Procurement Act (udbudsloven), see article 80 of the Utilities Directive.
The Contracting Entity will also exclude a tenderer from participating in the tender procedure if, during the tender procedure, the tenderer becomes subject to the grounds for exclusion provided for in ss 135-137 of the Public Procurement Act.
If applicants/tenderers are subject to the grounds for exclusion provided for in ss 135-137 of the Public Procurement Act, such applicants/tenderers may, however, by producing adequate documentation of their reliability, prove that they must not be excluded after all, see the conditions laid down in s. 138 of the Public Procurement Act.
In the event that the Contracting Entity contemplates to exclude an applicant/tenderer, the Contracting Entity will fix a suitable deadline for providing adequate documentation of the applicant's/tenderer's reliability.
Applicants must declare that they do not find themselves subject to any of the aforesaid grounds for exclusion. Such declaration is made by completing part III, paragraphs A, B and C, of the ESPD.
Applicants' attention is drawn to the fact that, as a general rule, the grounds for exclusion have been completed by a "No". Consequently, applicants do not have to complete part III, paragraphs A, B and C, of the ESPD, unless such applicants are subject to 1 of the grounds for exclusion.
Vis mere Økonomisk og finansiel stilling
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier:
“The Contracting Entity imposes the following minimum requirements as to applicants' economic and financial capacity:
— the applicant has had a total annual...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier
The Contracting Entity imposes the following minimum requirements as to applicants' economic and financial capacity:
— the applicant has had a total annual revenue of at least 12 000 000 DKK in each of the 3 most recent financial years available and having ended.
The said information must be provided by completing part IV, paragraph B, of the ESPD in the section "Total annual revenue".
If the applicant is not able to provide the information required on financial ratios (for example due to the fact that the applicant is a newly established business), the applicant must state when the applicant was established. Such information must be provided by completing the section "Establishment of business".
The applicant must declare that the information provided in the ESPD is true and correct.
Such declaration is made by completing part VI of the ESPD.
In the event that the application is filed by a consortium, all consortium parties must submit a separately completed ESPD.
In addition to the completed ESPD, including, if relevant, an ESPD for sub-consultants and consortium parties, the application must include the following material:
If an application is filed by a consortium, a declaration must accompany the application, stating that all consortium parties will be jointly and severally liable for performance of the contract and the name of one consortium party with whom the Contracting Entity may enter into binding agreements on behalf of the consortium. An example of such a consortium declaration which may be used at a profit is included as part of the contract documents.If applicants use the technical and professional capacities of other sub-consultants/entities, a declaration must accompany the application, stating that the supporting sub-consultant/entity will make its technical and professional capacity (references) available to the tenderer in connection with its performance of the contract. Information thereon may, for example, be provided by way of a letter of support. An example of such a letter of support which may be used at a profit is included as part of the contract documents.
Vis mere Teknisk og faglig kompetence
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier:
“The Contracting Entity will impose the following minimum requirements as to the applicants' technical and professional capacity:
— applicants must, as a...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier
The Contracting Entity will impose the following minimum requirements as to the applicants' technical and professional capacity:
— applicants must, as a minimum, provide references for the delivery of an SDN solution, which, however, do not need to be within the same line of business.
The Contracting Entity will also attach importance to the applicants' technical and professional capacity in connection with the selection of tenderers, cf. paragraph 7.5). Applicants must therefore provide information in the ESPD as to applicants' most important references in respect of:
1) Delivery of an SDN-solution for location IT connectivity, as the one for which tenders are hereby invited, for the 3 most recent years in respect of the following elements:
The primary components consist of the following:
— hardware components delivered to be installed centrally at our data centres,
— hardware components delivered to be installed decentrally at our locations. Several options are specified among which the volume will be distributed.
The references listed in the ESPD may be completed as well as be ongoing projects. However, delivery of part of the system must be operative.
Applicants are urged to state as follows in respect of each reference:
(i) period within which the consultancy services were rendered;
(ii) name and contact person with the customer;
(iii) brief description of the work, including the applicant's role in performing the work;
(iv) the applicant's total fee for the work;
(v) key staff used for the work (meaning persons who have had an important role in performing the work), as well as information on whether such key staff is employed with the applicant at the time of the application;
(vi) Number of units/locations involved in the delivery system.
Such information is provided by completing part IV, paragraph C, of the ESPD. If the applicant so wishes, the applicant may instead enclose a list of references in a separate appendix. If so, the ESPD must include a reference to such appendix only.
Vis mere Betingelser i forbindelse med kontrakten
Betingelser for opfyldelse af kontrakten: A draft of the contract is available in the procure documents.
Procedure Type af procedure
Forhandlet procedure med forudgående indkaldelse af konkurrencer
Administrative oplysninger
Tidligere offentliggørelse vedrørende denne procedure: 2019/S 031-070579
Frist for modtagelse af bud eller ansøgninger om deltagelse: 2019-03-08
12:00 📅
Sprog, på hvilke bud eller ansøgninger om deltagelse kan indgives: engelsk 🗣️
Nedenstående tidsramme er udtrykt i antal måneder.
Minimumsfrist, inden for hvilken tilbudsgiveren skal opretholde tilbuddet: 6
Supplerende oplysninger Oplysninger om elektroniske arbejdsgange
Elektronisk fakturering vil blive accepteret
Der vil blive anvendt elektronisk betaling
Gennemgå organ
Navn: Klagenævnet for Udbud
Postadresse: Toldboden 2
Postby: Viborg
Postnummer: 8800
Land: Danmark 🇩🇰
Telefon: +45 72405600📞
URL:🌏 Gennemgangsprocedure
Præcise oplysninger om fristerne for gennemgangsprocedurer:
“Complaints against not being pre-qualified shall be lodged to Klagenævnet for Udbud no later than 20 calendar days from the day after the day the...”
Præcise oplysninger om fristerne for gennemgangsprocedurer
Complaints against not being pre-qualified shall be lodged to Klagenævnet for Udbud no later than 20 calendar days from the day after the day the contracting entity has sent a notification to the affected applicants. Complaints in respect of other issues than not being pre-qualified shall be lodged to Klagenævnet for Udbud no later than 45 calendar days after the award of contract has been published in TED.
Vis mere Tjeneste, hvorfra der kan indhentes oplysninger om klageproceduren
Navn: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Postadresse: Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
Postby: Valby
Postnummer: 2500
Land: Danmark 🇩🇰
Telefon: +45 41715000📞
Kilde: OJS 2019/S 040-091616 (2019-02-21)
Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter (2019-05-27) Ordregivende myndighed Navn og adresser
Navn: Udbudssystemet
Nationalt registreringsnummer: 38538071
Postadresse: Langelinie Allé 35
Postby: København Ø
Postnummer: 2100
Kontaktperson: Anne Bergholt Sommer
Telefon: +45 72273361📞
Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
“Tender for a Contract for the Delivery of an SDN Solution for Location for IT Connectivity (Vol. II)”
Kort beskrivelse:
“The agreement consists of 4 elements. The main component is the SDN software which is handled under an ELA agreement that handles all licenses and usage...”
Kort beskrivelse
The agreement consists of 4 elements. The main component is the SDN software which is handled under an ELA agreement that handles all licenses and usage cost. The same software solution is used both central and decentral at the locations. The software is what describes the solution and what is requested the hardware is just capacity and ports. The contract has a duration of 6 years, including possibility of extension on the part of the contracting entity 1 time of 2 years at a time to the effect that the contract may have a maximum duration of up to 8 years.
Vis mere Beskrivelse
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“Prior to the initiation of this procurement procedure, the contracting entity has performed a market survey to investigate the potential suppliers and...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
Prior to the initiation of this procurement procedure, the contracting entity has performed a market survey to investigate the potential suppliers and possible solutions for the performance of the works procured. The contracting entity found that the use case is very special and that large manufacturers do not support such use. In addition, the contracting entity found many ways to solve the problems and reach the goals set, which is also supported in this tender procedure. By way of the market analysis, the contracting entity also gathered the information and the knowledge required to prepare and conduct this tender procedure, which would otherwise not have been possible. The agreement consists of 4 elements. The main component is the SDN software which is handled under an ELA agreement that handles all licenses and usage cost. The same software solution is used both central and decentral at the locations. The software is what describes the solution and what is requested the hardware is just capacity and ports. The hardware is divided into 2 areas, one used centrally to run the software solution provided and one for ports and connectivity to the software solution at the locations.
(i) hardware centrally is used to support the software solution and consists of either dedicated hardware or standard components. This is where the software is installed and operated from. The environment is datacenters and normal conditions;
(ii) hardware locally at the locations is used for connectivity back to the datacenters and ports locally at the location. This is where we connect both the fiber to support our topology and our local hardware to the devices offered. These are used for running the network and is a part of the software solution offered.
Other than the described requirements there are no implementation or maintenance services part of the agreement. We will operate the solution offered after we implement this. The contracting entity expects that, in connection with the pre-qualification, no more than 12 applicants will be pre-qualified to submit preliminary tenders. The contracting entity will make such selection on the basis of the references stated by the applicants in respect of the delivery of continuous technical consultancy services. The selection process is further described in the procurement documents. The contract has a duration of 6 years, including possibility of extension on the part of the contracting entity 1 time of 2 years at a time to the effect that the contract may have a maximum duration of up to 8 years.
Vis mere Oplysninger om valgmuligheder
Beskrivelse af mulighederne:
“3 voluntary options:
(i) the customer does not migrate each location to the new SDN solution but procures this from the tenderer;
(ii) the customer does not...”
Beskrivelse af mulighederne
3 voluntary options:
(i) the customer does not migrate each location to the new SDN solution but procures this from the tenderer;
(ii) the customer does not deploy the new hardware placed centrally nor the software part of this but procures this from the tenderer;
(iii) SFP and optics is offered per unit and several options are needed. All is single mode optics and different versions is offered.
Procedure Administrative oplysninger
Tidligere offentliggørelse vedrørende denne procedure: 2019/S 040-091616
Tildeling af kontrakt
1️⃣ Oplysninger om ikke-tilskudsgivende
Der blev ikke modtaget nogen bud eller ansøgninger om deltagelse, eller alle blev afvist
Supplerende oplysninger Yderligere oplysninger
“Upon receipt of the tenders submitted, the Contracting Authority, SE was unfortunately able to ascertain that all tenders received were...”
Upon receipt of the tenders submitted, the Contracting Authority, SE was unfortunately able to ascertain that all tenders received were non-compliant.
Therefore, it was not possible to award the contract to any of the participating tenderers.
Vis mere
Kilde: OJS 2019/S 103-250439 (2019-05-27)