Small Arms Indoor Training System

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations

Danish Armed Forces requires a number of Small Arms Indoor Training System (SAITS) to be used around the country garrisons and possibly abroad.
The purpose of the acquisition is to replace the existing outdated Small Arms Indoor Trainers. The system supports the need to train and improve both the basic and higher levels of firing a weapon correctly as well as the tactical training.
The system also supports the need for training in relations to special weapon systems.
Weapon required in the system:
— 5,56 mm In Service Rifle C8 Integrated Upper Receiver Rifle M/10 version 4 including two 30 round magazines,
— 7,62 mm Machine gun M/60E6 short barrel including 2 belts of a suitable number of rounds (between 15 and 25),
— 9 mm handgun, Sig Sauer P320 X-Carry,
— 12,7 mm Heavy Machine Gun, M/50 .50 HB Quick Change Barrel including 2 belts of a suitable number of rounds (between 15 and 25),
— 12,7 mm Rifle AX 50 including 2 magazines,
— 66 mm Light Anti-Armour Weapon, LAW M/72 EC,
— the 84 mm Recoilless Rifle, Carl Gustav M/85 M3 shall be delivered including 4 grenades for CG; Heat, AP, Smoke, Illum
(DALO will provide the CG84 mm as GFE).
The Framework Agreement shall include interchangeable equipment like laser range finder, night vision, scopes and sights.
Please see Appendix A for the requirement specifications which will be available after the pre-qualification.
The Framework Agreement will also cover education and training of personal (instructors course and engineering course), help-desk and services of the SAITS.
An information meeting for all pre-qualified tenderes wil be held the 29.5.2019 at the premises of DALO.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2019-05-07. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2019-04-05.

Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:



Dato Dokument
2019-04-05 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2020-01-23 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter