Ruggedized Mobile Computers (RMC)

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization

This contract notice concerns the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) award of two Framework Agreements for procurement of 'Lot 1 Ruggedized Laptop with Docking Station' and 'Lot 2 Ruggedized Tablet with Docking Station' for the use by the Danish ARMY. By Ruggedized Mobile Computers (RMC), DALO understands a laptop or tablet PC which functions as a traditional PC but is built to be mounted in land vehicles, ships, or other types of vehicle and built to withstand such harsh environments. The RMC will be used with Windows and/or Unix based Operating Systems in combination with DALO software, i.e. C2IS applications. This Tender covers several parts of Ruggedized Mobile Computer equipment, including; PC's which are to be used primarily in Armored Personnel Vehicles (APV) and other types of vehicles and are therefore specially designed to withstand the impact of mines and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), vehicle vibration, extreme temperatures, dust, water, etc. The products must meet a wide range of military standards, including several methods of MIL-STD-810 dealing with ruggedness; Protection against vibration, shock, sand, etc., MIL-STD-461 dealing with electromagnetic radiation, MIL-STD-1275D on military vehicle power systems and MIL-D-38999 dealing with plugs and cables.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2020-01-06. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2019-11-28.




Dato Dokument
2019-11-28 Udbudsbekendtgørelse