Applicants who wishes to participate in this tender process must fill in the ESPD via EU-Supply. Complete the ESPD with the information specified in the Contract Notice, including Part II.A, II.B, II.C, III.A, III.B, III.C, IV.B and IV.C.
Note that the applicant must submit several ESPDs, if the applicant forms an association of companies or is based on the capacity of other economic operators.
Applicant must in the ESPD state the name, VAT/CVR number, postal address, contact person whether the applicant is a micro-enterprise, small or medium-sized enterprise and whether the applicant participates in the tender procedure with others (ESPD Part II.A). The applicant must provide the information requested in Part III of the Contract Notice. The applicant must confirm that the applicant is not covered by the compulsory exclusion grounds in Sections 135 and 136 of the Danish Public Procurement Act (ESPD Part III, paragraphs A, B and C). In addition, the applicant must confirm that the applicant is not covered by the voluntary exclusion grounds in section 137 sub-section 1, 2 and 5 of the Danish Public Procurement Act (ESPD Part III, Section C). The requested information forms the basis of the Contracting Authority's assessment of whether the applicant is suitable for carrying out the deliverables of the tender and which applicants are invited to submit a tender. If the applicant participates in the tendering procedure with others, in particular as part of a group, consortium, joint venture or the like, all affected participants must submit a separate ESPD. All required information under Part III must be provided for each participant in the consortium. In connection with the suitability assessment, however, it will be the consortium's overall suitability that is assessed. If the required information is not provided by all consortium participants, the offer is not necessarily non-compliant, but it may affect the suitability assessment. In addition, each participant in the individual ESPD must indicate the role of the economic operator in the group, the other economic operators participating in the procedure and, where appropriate, the name of the participating group (ESPD Part II.A). If the applicant is unable to meet the requirements of financial and economic and/or technical and professional capacity, the applicant may rely on the financial and economic and/or technical and professional capacity of other entities. In this case, any sub-contractors of the applicant must also enclose a separate ESPD with completed Part II, sections A and B and Part III duly completed by the entities concerned (ESDP Part II, Section C). In connection with the suitability assessment, it will be the total suitability that is assessed, including by combining key figures.
The applicant can only submit one application for pre-qualification. If the same legal entity is part of or otherwise participates in several applications, e.g. submitting its own application, but at the same time being a participant in consortium or the like applying, the applicants must ensure that the participation of the same legal entity does not entail the possibility of mutually influencing the contant of the various tenderers' offers. Application for pre-qualification must be submitted electronically to EU-Supply, cf. Section I.3 of the Contract Notice.