Navigation System for Rigid Inflatable Boats (RHIB)

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations

The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is tendering a Framework Agreement regarding acquisition of a navigation system for rigid inflatable boats (RHIB). In order to reduce logistic footprint, DALO wishes to enter into a Framework Agreement with one supplier, which can deliver a navigation system for RHIBs used by the Danish Defence.
By Framework Agreement DALO understands an agreement under which DALO can obtain additional sets of a navigation system, spare parts, training and technical support, e.g. for modification and upgrading.
The navigation system shall include a secure AIS and it is expected that the system is based on navigation stations, and shall consist of a number of Electronic Chart System (ECS). Depending on the platform the system is expected to be a dual or triple or other ECS setup that fulfill requirements with shared navigational sensors and interfaces. All stations are intended to be connected in network and have full access to the navigation systems sensors. The sensors could be position sensor, heading sensor, radar sensor, depth measuring sensor, speed and distance sensor and Secure AIS.
The RHIBs for which the navigation system is intended for, are open cabin high speed vessels (up to 45 knots), hence the components and cabling for this installation shall be ruggedized, able to withstand both corrosion and ingress of water. The RHIB’s will be operated at high speed in open water, archipelago and littoral waters.The navigation system is to be used during day time and night time in various weather and climatic conditions ranging from freezing snowy conditions, through temperate wet and foggy conditions to hot conditions. The navigation system shall be able to be used in day and night time without visual disclosure of the position of the navigation system from e.g. the light from the system and be operated wearing and using night vision goggles.
A potential threat to safe navigation is GPS jamming. The navigation system shall have features that accommodates high speed navigation in a GPS denied environment, in terms of capability to derive and use dead reckoning and estimated positions based on sensors non-dependent on GPS signal. Another potential threat is GPS spoofing (false GPS signals transmitted for deceiving GPS receivers). To accommodate navigation during spoofing, the ECS shall be able to use data from a military GPS with a SAASM receiver for discrepancy monitoring. A military GPS is installed by DALO. The navigation system shall be able to use data from the military GPS as reference for GPS data. During spoofing the navigation system should be able to exclude civilian data.
Candidates are made aware that it is expected that it will be made mandatory to deliver test samples to DALO in connection with a test of the tenderers offer. The candidates shall not deliver test samples in order to participate in the pre-qualification, however the candidates are encouraged to utilize the time during the pre-qualification period to ensure timely delivery of the test samples. If a test is performed the test samples with necessary equipment shall be delivered to the Danish Navy. The test samples are currently expected to consist of a number of ECS systems and panel PC's provided with necessary simulated data and equipment to support the test. The test is expected to be conducted April, May or June 2019. However, this may be subject to change. DALO and the Danish Navy expect that the tenderers will be invited to demostrate the different ECS systems functionality in connection with the tests. More information will be available after the pre-qualification.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2019-04-30. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2019-03-25.




Dato Dokument
2019-03-25 Udbudsbekendtgørelse