Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: EU Call for Tender Regarding Supply of Screenings Washer and Compactor
Produkter/tjenester: Spildevandsrensningsudstyr📦
Kort beskrivelse:
“Call for tender regarding supply of screenings washers and compactors for Ejby Mølle Wastewater Treatment Plant and as an option Odense NV WWTP.”
Sted for udførelsen: Fyn🏙️
Hovedsted eller sted for udførelsen: Odense, DANMARK.
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“VandCenter Syd A/S has planned an upgrading of the mechanical and electrical equipment at the inlet structure of Ejby Mølle WWTP situated in the city of...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
VandCenter Syd A/S has planned an upgrading of the mechanical and electrical equipment at the inlet structure of Ejby Mølle WWTP situated in the city of Odense in Denmark. This upgrade include main equipment comprising 5 inlet screens, 6 screenings conveyors, 2 screenings washer and compactors, 2 grit washers and 4 reception containers for screenings and grit.
VandCenter Syd A/S also consider upgrading the inlet structure at the minor Odense NV WWTP. This upgrade include main equipment comprising 2 inlet screens, 2 screenings conveyors, 2 screenings washer and compactors, 1 grit washers and 2 reception containers for screenings and grit. The upgrade for Odense NV WWTP is included in this project as an option.
To identify and choose the best possible equipment for the upgrading of the inlet structure, VandCenter Syd A/S wish to tender and purchase all main equipment in a number of individual supply contract packages and have the equipment installed in a separate installation contract that also comprises design of the mechanical arrangements based on the particular equipment from the supply contracts. In addition to the mechanical supply contracts VandCenter Syd A/S also tender the electrical panels and the electrical installation work separately.
Service agreements on the equipment for both Ejby Mølle WWTP and for Odense NV WWTP is included as options. For further information regarding the service agreements please see the specification.
This specific call for tender include the following:
— supply of 2 nos screenings washer and compactor, Ejby Mølle WWTP,
— option 1: Service agreement on the screenings washers and compactor for a period of 5 years, Ejby Mølle WWTP,
— option 2: Supply of 2 nos screenings washer and compactor, Odense NV WWTP,
— option 3: Service agreement on the screenings washer and compactor for a period of 5 years, Odense NV WWTP.
For a description of the requirements for the supply for both Ejby Mølle WWTP and Odense NV WWTP, please see the specification and functional guarantee.
For a description of the terms and conditions of contract, please see NL92 incl. additions and deviations, together with the contract form.
Vis mere Kriterier for tildeling
Kvalitetskriterium (navn): Quality
Kvalitetskriterium (vægtning): 30 %
Kvalitetskriterium (navn): Functionality
Kvalitetskriterium (navn): Service agreement
Kvalitetskriterium (vægtning): 15 %
Pris (justeringskoefficient): 25 %
Kontraktens, rammeaftalens eller det dynamiske indkøbssystems varighed
Nedenstående tidsramme er udtrykt i antal måneder.
Varighed: 5
Oplysninger om begrænsningerne i antallet af ansøgere, der kan indbydes
Påtænkt antal ansøgere: 5
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere:
“The selection will be based on the technical and professional ability (references) of the applicant documented as stated in section 2.2.1, Ad. 4, of the...”
Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere
The selection will be based on the technical and professional ability (references) of the applicant documented as stated in section 2.2.1, Ad. 4, of the instruction to tenders.
The selection will be based on VandCenter Syds assessment of which of the applicants who have the most relevant references understood by VandCenter Syd as references, that are similar (both in size, type and content) to the tendered contract as described in the procurement material. In particular, reference for handling of municipal wastewater will be preferred.
Vis mere Oplysninger om valgmuligheder
Indstillinger ✅
Beskrivelse af mulighederne:
“This specific call for tender include the following options:
— option 1: Service agreement on the screenings washers and compactor for a period of 5 years,...”
Beskrivelse af mulighederne
This specific call for tender include the following options:
— option 1: Service agreement on the screenings washers and compactor for a period of 5 years, Ejby Mølle WWTP,
— option 2: Supply of 2 nos. screenings washer and compactor, Odense NV WWTP,
— option 3: Service agreement on the screenings washer and compactor for a period of 5 years, Odense NV WWTP.
Vis mere Beskrivelse
Yderligere oplysninger: For further information, please see the procurement material.
Juridiske, økonomiske, finansielle og tekniske oplysninger Økonomisk og finansiel stilling
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier:
“The applicant must inform the following regarding economic and financial standing (ESPD part IVB):
Solvency ratio, which is defined as equity/(total assets)...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier
The applicant must inform the following regarding economic and financial standing (ESPD part IVB):
Solvency ratio, which is defined as equity/(total assets) x 100, in the Last Fiscal Year (LFY).
Vis mere Betingelser for deltagelse
A solvency ratio of minimum 20 % in the Last Fiscal Year (LFY).
Teknisk og faglig kompetence
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier:
“The applicant must inform the following regarding technical and professional ability (ESPD part IVC):
Description of the applicants experience...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier
The applicant must inform the following regarding technical and professional ability (ESPD part IVC):
Description of the applicants experience with delivery of screenings washer and compactor within the last 5 years, calculated from the date of delivery.
The references must include:
— a description of the contract, including number, type and capacity of the screenings washer and compactor, location of the plant where the screenings washer and compactor are installed and type of wastewater to be treated,
— date of delivery,
— type of contract,
— contract sum, excl. VAT, in EURO (EUR),
— name of the costumer, including contact information on the customers contact person.
Vis mere Betingelser for deltagelse
Betingelser for deltagelse (tekniske og faglige kvalifikationer):
“Minimum 5 references on delivery of screenings washer and compactor within the last 5 years, calculated from the date of delivery.”
Procedure Type af procedure
Begrænset procedure
Administrative oplysninger
Frist for modtagelse af bud eller ansøgninger om deltagelse: 2019-06-25
12:00 📅
Anslået dato for afsendelse af invitationer til at afgive tilbud eller deltage til udvalgte ansøgere: 2019-07-02 📅
Sprog, på hvilke bud eller ansøgninger om deltagelse kan indgives: engelsk 🗣️
Nedenstående tidsramme er udtrykt i antal måneder.
Minimumsfrist, inden for hvilken tilbudsgiveren skal opretholde tilbuddet: 4
Supplerende oplysninger Oplysninger om elektroniske arbejdsgange
Elektronisk fakturering vil blive accepteret
Der vil blive anvendt elektronisk betaling
Gennemgå organ
Navn: Klagenævnet for Udbud
Postadresse: Toldboden 2
Postby: Viborg
Postnummer: 8800
Land: Danmark 🇩🇰
Telefon: +45 72405600📞
E-mail: klfu@naevneneshus.dk📧
URL: https://naevneneshus.dk/start-din-klage/klagenaevnet-for-udbud/🌏 Tjeneste, hvorfra der kan indhentes oplysninger om klageproceduren
Navn: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Postadresse: Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
Postby: Valby
Postnummer: 2500
Land: Danmark 🇩🇰
Telefon: +45 41715000📞
E-mail: kfst@kfst.dk📧
URL: www.kfst.dk🌏
Kilde: OJS 2019/S 102-248424 (2019-05-24)
Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter (2020-01-17) Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
Produkter/tjenester: Industrimaskiner📦 Beskrivelse
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“VandCenter Syd A/S has planned an upgrading of the mechanical and electrical equipment at the inlet structure of Ejby Mølle WWTP situated in the city of...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
VandCenter Syd A/S has planned an upgrading of the mechanical and electrical equipment at the inlet structure of Ejby Mølle WWTP situated in the city of Odense in Denmark. This upgrade include main equipment comprising 5 inlet screens, 6 screenings conveyors, 2 screenings washer and compactors, 2 grit washers and 4 reception containers for screenings and grit.
VandCenter Syd A/S also consider upgrading the inlet structure at the minor Odense NV WWTP. This upgrade include main equipment comprising 2 inlet screens, 2 screenings conveyors, 2 screenings washer and compactors, 1 grit washers and 2 reception containers for screenings and grit. The upgrade for Odense NV WWTP is included in this project as an option.
To identify and choose the best possible equipment for the upgrading of the inlet structure, VandCenter Syd A/S wish to tender and purchase all main equipment in a number of individual supply contract packages and have the equipment installed in a separate installation contract that also comprises de-sign of the mechanical arrangements based on the particular equipment from the supply contracts. In addition to the mechanical supply contracts VandCenter Syd A/S also tender the electrical panels and the electrical installation work separately.
Service agreements on the equipment for both Ejby Mølle WWTP and for Odense NV WWTP is included as options. For further information regarding the service agreements please see the specification.
This specific call for tender include the following:
— supply of 2 Nos screenings washer and compactor, Ejby Mølle WWTP,
— option 1: service agreement on the screenings washers and compactor for a period of 5 years, Ejby Mølle WWTP,
— option 2: supply of 2 Nos screenings washer and compactor, Odense NV WWTP,
— option 3: service agreement on the screenings washer and compactor for a period of 5 years, Odense NV WWTP.
For a description of the requirements for the supply for both Ejby Mølle WWTP and Odense NV WWTP, please see the specification and functional guarantee.
For a description of the terms and conditions of contract, please see NL92 including additions and deviations, together with the contract form.
Vis mere Oplysninger om valgmuligheder
Beskrivelse af mulighederne:
“This specific call for tender include the following options:
— option 1: service agreement on the screenings washers and compactor for a period of 5 years,...”
Beskrivelse af mulighederne
This specific call for tender include the following options:
— option 1: service agreement on the screenings washers and compactor for a period of 5 years, Ejby Mølle WWTP,
— option 2: supply of 2 Nos screenings washer and compactor, Odense NV WWTP,
— option 3: service agreement on the screenings washer and compactor for a period of 5 years, Odense NV WWTP.
Procedure Type af procedure
Forhandlet procedure med forudgående indkaldelse af konkurrencer
Administrative oplysninger
Tidligere offentliggørelse vedrørende denne procedure: 2019/S 102-248424
Tildeling af kontrakt
Dato for indgåelse af kontrakten: 2019-11-22 📅
Kilde: OJS 2020/S 013-027064 (2020-01-17)