Beskrivelse af udbuddet
The services rendered by EKF on environmental and social issues include the following:
Re 1) Environmental and social due diligence and monitoring in order to assess compliance with the following frameworks and standards:
— EKF’s CSR Policy (Appendix 2 to the Agreement),
— the OECD recommendation on common approaches on the environment and — officially supported export credits,
— UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights,
— The Equator Principles,
— IFC Performance Standards,
— The Danish and European rules and legislation on animal welfare.
The services includes off-site due diligence support as well as site visit support and monitoring. The off-site due diligence is expected to regard projects located worldwide.
Re 2) Competences and staff:
The supplier shall have an organizational set-up that can provide EKF with seamless services and high-quality support. The services shall be provided by an account responsible and a core team. Furthermore, the supplier shall under duration of the framework agreement provide access to associated resources.
The supplier shall within the core team or associated experts resources be able to navigate within the following areas of expertise: E and S management systems and certification — Environment — Human Rights — Labour rights — Biodiversity — Resettlement
— Climate change impact — SDG, ESG, Strategy — Reporting — Indigenous people — Animal welfare — Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) — International Conventions.
These areas of expertise will be related to EKF’s projects, which are primarily focused on the wind industry, renewable energy, large scale infrastructure, agribusiness.
In order to solve locally orientated issues, the supplier shall under the duration of the framework agreement provide access to associated social and environmental resources with local experience of the following areas, if such expert knowledge is not represented in the core team:
— Europe,
— North,
— Central and South America,
— Middle East,
— Sub-Saharan Africa,
— Southeast Asia,
— CIS countries,
— Oceania.
Local experience means: knowledge regarding local environmental and social conditions including related law and regulation in the above stated areas relating to each state/country in each area.
3) Training and workshops with the purpose of providing EKF staff with the expertise needed. On an ad-hoc basis provide training for EKF staff on new developments especially related to the following:
— IFC Performance Standards,
— WBG EHS Guidelines,
— UN Guiding Principles on Businesses and Human Rights,
— environmental and social sustainability themes relevant to EKF CSR work in general.
4) Small ad-hoc tasks relating to environmental and social issues.
The ad-hoc small task input will vary greatly in subject and extend of service, as it will relate to technical aspects within the aforementioned topics. The small ad-hoc tasks may be in the form of emails and telephone calls. The task will vary but may include, but are not limited to, the following:
— occupational health and safety (related to industrial facilities and construction sites, respectively)
— air pollution,
— noise and vibrations,
— hazardous materials management,
— biodiversity and ecosystem services,
— animal welfare (in particular poultry and pig production and slaughtering),
— indigenous peoples’ rights and communities,
— stakeholder engagement,
— land acquisition resettlement and compensation schemes.
5) CSR/ESG reporting and strategy development
The supplier shall be able to provide consultancy services related to EKF’s CSR reporting and strategy e.g.: assisting in maintaining and further development of EKF’s records of environmentally and socially related data — support EKF in meeting obligations under the Danish Financial Act’s §§99.a and 99.b, the Equator Principles and the UN Global Compact frameworks.