Objektive kriterier for udvælgelse af det begrænsede antal ansøgere
5 applicants will be selected and invited to submit a tender, with the following objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates.
Criteria 1) the applicants must meet the minimum requirements:
1A) The applicant will be able to answer ‘Yes’ in the ESPD, Part V, and comply with the grounds for exclusion;
1B) The applicant meet the minimum HSE requirements for selection and therefore, in the opinion of the applicant, will be among the selectable applicants.
If more than 5 applicants meet the minimum requirements for selection, the employer will select 5 applicants based on an overall evaluation on the following criteria’s:
Criteria 2) the best and most relevant:
2A) references going 7 years back in relation to the offered contract: and
2B) CV's on manager, safety coordinator and foreman level. CV's shall state references respectively qualification with similar or comparable tasks. By similar or comparable tasks, meant road construction and drainage work; and
2C) best and most sufficient capacity regarding employees, tool, machinery and/or technical equipment available to the contractor for carrying out the contract in time.
Criteria 3) the best economic/financial standing/capacity regarding:
3A) Turnover figures and its professional liability insurance, however the employer will not take notice of/evaluate annual turnover that is higher than twice the estimated contract value; and
3B) Its professional liability insurance.
In the evaluation of the 2 mentioned Criteria’s 2) and 3), the employer will give more weight to Criteria 2) than 3).