Agreement Covering Software Quality Assurance Including Software end-2-end Capabilities, Code Inspection and Data Cleansing
This contract will be concluded with Nordic RSC. Nordic RSC (Regional Security Coordinator) is as a joint office owned by Energinet, Fingrid, Svenska Kraftnät and Statnett with the purpose of delivering operational coordination in the Nordic electricity system. Nordic RSC has concluded a contract with GRID Solutions DENMARK, FILIAL AF Grid Solutions SAS, FRANKRIG, Strevelinsvej 8, Erritsø, 7000 Fredericia, Company Registration Number 27550835 on development of an infrastructure critical application. In this regard Nordic RSC needs an agreement covering software quality assurance including software end-2-end capabilities and code inspection on behalf of the Nordic Regional Security Coordinator and data cleansing. The Nordic RSC request a partner with software assessing capabilities in relation to infrastructure critical applications, and with the ability to both provide professional consulting and/or assist with skills to support both Nordic RSC as well as the Supplier of the application under the development. The partner shall be able to provide documentation for the ability to handle both the assessor role, as well as support with strong skills in the development/test process with this not being a conflict of interest. Nordic RSC needs among others the partner to assess the software requirement specification, software architecture specification, supplier’s software factory setup, the application code, the requirement traceability matrix, verification and validation.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2019-08-20.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2019-07-05.
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