Acquisition of System for Scoring Weapons Delivery from Airplanes

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations

This Contract Notice concerns DALO's award of a contract for the procurementt of a system for scoring weapons delivery from airplanes. The acquired system are to be installed on Battlefield Rømø. EK R 38 Rømø Range (Battelfield Rømø) is a Danish shooting range primarily used by Danish Airforce. It consist of a range of different tactical targets, and is used for training both weapons delivery and drop of cargo.
The range is situated in the Wadden Sea which is an intertidal zone forming a shallow body of water with tidal flats and wetlands. Due to the tidal changes large part of the sandy area is often flooded. It is a known bird sanctuary that often attracts large flocks of birds, especially in the eastern part. Seals and sheep also frequently visit the area. Currently the primary method of scoring is provided via a Vision Automation Scoring System (VASS), but due to the technical conditions of the old system, it is not working properly anymore. So a new system for scoring of weapon delivery is needed/wanted. The Danish Airforce is requesting a new system for scoring weapons delivery from airplanes (measuring impact points, azimuth and angle of impact) capable of functioning regardless of weather situation and both day and night. The expected servicetime/lifetime for the new system is set to be minimum 15 years. In that period of time it’s important to keep the system operational via service to the system. Also including calibration of the system if needed.
It’s a requirement that the system is designed to the special environment on Rømø. The area in the Wadden Sea is special. Harsh, challenging and bound by a lot of legislation. But also issues regarding use and handling in day-to-day operation is requiring the system to be customized to the users in Rømø. All prequalified will be invited to Rømø, Denmark for a site survey.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2019-03-11. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2019-02-08.




Dato Dokument
2019-02-08 Udbudsbekendtgørelse