Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier
"ESPD Part IV: Selection criteria, Section C: Technical and professional ability" and "ESPD Part IV: Selection criteria, Section D: Quality assurance schemes and environmental management standards" to be filled inaccording to "Instructions_on_Request_for_Participation.pdf". The following information must be given:
Section C:
(a) Up to 5 references that are most relevant to the desired delivery. In terms of relevance, deliveries of comparable size and technical complexity are most relevant. Regulatory basis for which the reference is built (for example, the Danish Maritime Authority's notice D or equivalent EU directive) indicates the company's experience with and professional qualifications in relation to the regulatory basis for which the desired ferry is to be built. General description is optional, but as a minimum the following is required:
— ship's name (current),
— recipient,
— type,
— propulsion system/configuration,
— rule basis,
— length p.p. Breadth Mld.,
— depth mld, pax and car/truck capacity and cargo equipment,
— contractual delivery date,
— actual delivery date,
— possible explanation regarding delayed delivery;
(b) Documentation concerning the company's technical body for quality control;
(c) Documentation concerning the company's quality control facilities;
(d) Confirmation that the contracting entity is allowed to inspect the company's production capacity;
(e) Description of craft/disciplines of the company in connection with the performance of this delivery;
(f) Documentation of the company's production capacity, including description of the company and the company's technical facilities. A sufficient documentation that leaves no doubt that the company would be able to fulfil the task purely technically. There will be emphasis on documented procedures that have a proven effect on the quality of work performed such as product model based production, numerically controlled production, indoor production of sections/hulls, separation of steel and aluminium in the production, robot production/welding robots, final production and finishing under cover/painting under cover or similar;
(g) State which part of contract is subcontracted, as well as the approximate percentage out of total contract amount. For larger subcontracts, the scope is to be described in detail. For hull deliveries specifically, detailed scope, and details of the degree of completion expected by the subcontractor to be given.
Section D:
(h) If the company has an approved quality assurance system covering the construction and delivery of a ferry as stated in the tender documents documentation on the approved system are to be supplied. Alternatively, the quality assurance system as relevant for construction and delivery of a ferry as stated in the tender documents must be fully documented;
(i) If the company has an approved environmental management system that covers the construction and delivery of a ferry as stated in the tender documents, documentation on the approved system to be supplied. Alternatively, the environmental management system used relevant for the construction and delivery of a ferry as specified in the tender documents is fully documented.