Kort beskrivelse
The tender procedure concerns the award of 3 parallel framework agreements, divided in Lot 1-3, regarding the acquisition of Inflatable Boats and Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats for the Royal Danish Navy.
The contracts (lots) are as follows:
— Lot 1: Inflatable Boats Small (hereafter “IBS”) and Inflatable Boats Large (hereafter “IBL”),
— Lot 2: Inflatable Boats Small (to outboard engine) (hereafter “IBOS”) and Inflatable Boats Large (to outboard engine) (hereafter “IBOL”),
— Lot 3: Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats Small (with outboard engine) (hereafter “RHIBS”) and Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats Large (with outboard engines) (hereafter “RHIBL”).
Please note, that the tenderer decides for himself whether the tenderer submits offer(s) on 1, 2 or all 3 contracts (lots), cf. section II.1.6).