The Computerome Center is, after a very successful 3-year production run, looking to expand its capabilities of its current generation of super computer, by establishing the second generation of a national super computer for life sciences. The new super computer (“hereinafter Computerome 2.0”) will be split into 2 systems (active-active) to provide even higher level of service to its users. This procured contract is not divided into lots. The reason for not dividing the contract into lots is related to a specific market for this procurement. The Contracting Authority is of the opinion that the object and extent of this contract means that the Contracting Authority will not gain the proper level of competition if the contract is divided into lots.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2018-11-16.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2018-10-12.
Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:
Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: HPDA Facility for Computerome at DTU
Produkter/tjenester: Supercomputer📦
Kort beskrivelse:
“The Computerome Center is, after a very successful 3-year production run, looking to expand its capabilities of its current generation of super computer, by...”
Kort beskrivelse
The Computerome Center is, after a very successful 3-year production run, looking to expand its capabilities of its current generation of super computer, by establishing the second generation of a national super computer for life sciences. The new super computer (“hereinafter Computerome 2.0”) will be split into 2 systems (active-active) to provide even higher level of service to its users. This procured contract is not divided into lots. The reason for not dividing the contract into lots is related to a specific market for this procurement. The Contracting Authority is of the opinion that the object and extent of this contract means that the Contracting Authority will not gain the proper level of competition if the contract is divided into lots.
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Supercomputer📦
Sted for udførelsen: Danmark🏙️
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“The Computerome Center is, after a very successful 3-year production run, looking to expand its capabilities of its current generation of super computer, by...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
The Computerome Center is, after a very successful 3-year production run, looking to expand its capabilities of its current generation of super computer, by establishing the second generation of a national super computer for life sciences. The new super computer (“hereinafter Computerome 2.0”) will be split into 2 systems (active-active) to provide even higher level of service to its users. This procured contract is not divided into lots. The reason for not dividing the contract into lots is related to a specific market for this procurement. The Contracting Authority is of the opinion that the object and extent of this contract means that the Contracting Authority will not gain the proper level of competition if the contract is divided into lots.
Vis mere Kriterier for tildeling
Kvalitetskriterium (navn): Quality and functionality
Kvalitetskriterium (vægtning): 90
Pris (justeringskoefficient): 10
Omfanget af udbuddet
Anslået samlet værdi ekskl. moms: DKK 97 000 000 💰
Kontraktens, rammeaftalens eller det dynamiske indkøbssystems varighed
Nedenstående tidsramme er udtrykt i antal måneder.
Varighed: 48
Oplysninger om valgmuligheder
Indstillinger ✅
Beskrivelse af mulighederne:
“Options shall be fulfilled by the tenderer and be quoted as part of the tender.
The options are:
1) Object storage;
2) Support year 4 and 5 HPDA system;
Beskrivelse af mulighederne
Options shall be fulfilled by the tenderer and be quoted as part of the tender.
The options are:
1) Object storage;
2) Support year 4 and 5 HPDA system;
3) 4 hours on-site for all critical components in 3 years – HPDA System;
4) Extension of software perpetual license, advanced training for 10-12 people and 6) support for year 4 – modules.
The tenderer shall offer fixed prices for a period of 6 months from the date of the approved acceptance test and fixed prices for a period of 4 years from the date of the approved acceptance test. The prices must be in USD ex. VAT.
Juridiske, økonomiske, finansielle og tekniske oplysninger Økonomisk og finansiel stilling
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier:
“The tenderer shall meet the following requirement:
1) The general average turnover in the last 3 audited financial years must be minimum 50 000 000 DKK per...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier
The tenderer shall meet the following requirement:
1) The general average turnover in the last 3 audited financial years must be minimum 50 000 000 DKK per year;
2) The average profit margin in the last 3 audited financial years must be minimum 0 and
3) The solvency ratio in the last audited financial year must be minimum 0.
Note: The tenderer shall disclose the following requirements in the ESPD, part IV.B
1) The average turnover for the last 3 financial years;
2) The profit margin for the last 3 audited financial years and
3) The solvency ratio for the last audited financial year.
Documentation: If asked by the Contracting Authority the tenderer must submit the annual reports for the last 3 years. If the tenderer relies on the capacity of other entities, the tenderer must submit the statement of support (the procurement documents, appendix C1). Furthermore, if asked by the Contracting Authority the tenderer can submit the letter of quotation.
Vis mere Teknisk og faglig kompetence
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier:
“The tenderer shall meet the following requirement:
1) 3 references within life science and/or healthcare (see appendix 1 and 10) no more than 5 years old...”
Liste og kortfattet beskrivelse af udvælgelseskriterier
The tenderer shall meet the following requirement:
1) 3 references within life science and/or healthcare (see appendix 1 and 10) no more than 5 years old from application date.
Note: The tenderer must disclose the following requirements in the ESPD, part IV.C.
A list of similar or equivalent works/services completed by the tenderer stating as a minimum:
1) The number of nodes;
2) Interconnect technology;
3) The year and month of installation;
4) Purpose of cluster (what is the cluster used for?) and
5) Name and telephone number of the recipient.
"Similar or equivalent works/services" indicates projects where the tenderer has been a significant contributor and the nature of the work/service is comparable with the Computerome 2.0 both technically and legally (see the procurement documents, appendix 1 and 11).
Documentation: the Contracting Authority considers the above reference list as the final documentation of the tenderer's technical and professional ability. If the tenderer relies on the capacity of other entities, the tenderer must submit a statement of support (the procurement documents, Appendix C2) if asked by the Contracting Authority and can submit a letter of quotation.
Procedure Type af procedure
Åben procedure
Administrative oplysninger
Frist for modtagelse af bud eller ansøgninger om deltagelse: 2018-11-16
23:59 📅
Sprog, på hvilke bud eller ansøgninger om deltagelse kan indgives: engelsk 🗣️
Nedenstående tidsramme er udtrykt i antal måneder.
Minimumsfrist, inden for hvilken tilbudsgiveren skal opretholde tilbuddet: 6
Betingelser for åbning af buddene: 2018-11-16
23:59 📅
Supplerende oplysninger Oplysninger om elektroniske arbejdsgange
Der vil blive anvendt elektronisk bestilling
Elektronisk fakturering vil blive accepteret
Der vil blive anvendt elektronisk betaling
Gennemgå organ
Navn: Klagenævnet for Udbud
Postadresse: Nævnenes hus, Toldboden 2
Postby: Viborg
Postnummer: 8800
Land: Danmark 🇩🇰
Telefon: +45 35291000📞
URL:🌏 Gennemgangsprocedure
Præcise oplysninger om fristerne for gennemgangsprocedurer:
“— complaint regarding a decision on shortlisting:
complaint regarding a decision on shortlisting must be submitted no later than 20 calendar days from the...”
Præcise oplysninger om fristerne for gennemgangsprocedurer
— complaint regarding a decision on shortlisting:
complaint regarding a decision on shortlisting must be submitted no later than 20 calendar days from the date after notification to the concerned candidates informing them of who has been selected has been sent and this notification includes the grounds for the decision, cf. law regarding, complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, Section 1.
— complaint regarding the award of contract:
complaint regarding the award of contract must be submitted no later than 45 calendar days from the date after the Contracting Authority has published a contract award notice in the European Union Official Journal informing that the Contracting Authority has awarded the contract, cf. Law regarding complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, Section 2, Subsection 1,
— complaint regarding the award of a contract under a Framework Agreement with a reopening of the competition:
complaint regarding the award of a contract under a Framework Agreement with a reopening of the competition shall be submitted no later than 30 calendar days form the date after the Contracting Authority has notified the concerned tenderers that a contract has been awarded, if the notification includes the grounds for the decision, cf. Law regarding complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, Section 2, Subsection 2.
— complaint regarding the award of a Framework Agreement:
complaint regarding the award of a Framework Agreement must be submitted no later than 6 months from the date after the Contracting Authority have notified the concerned Candidates and tenderers that award of contract has happened, cf. Law regarding the complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, Section 2, Subsection 3.
— complaint regarding direct award of contract:
complaint regarding the Contracting Authority’s award of contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the European Union Official Journal must be submitted no later than 30 calendar days from the date after a contract award notice has been published by the Contracting Authority in the European Union Official Journal and that contract award notice includes the grounds for the decision to award the contract directly, cf. Law regarding complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, Section 3.
— compliant regarding public procurements below the EU threshold:
complaint regarding public procurements below the EU threshold must be submitted no later than 45 calendar days from the date after the Contracting Authority has notified the tenderers about the award of contract if this notification includes the grounds for the decision and no later than 6 months after the date where the Contracting Authority has notified the candidates and tenderers about that award of a Framework Agreement, if the notification includes the grounds for the decision, cf. Law regarding complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, Section 4, Subsections 1 and 2. Compliant regarding a decision on shortlisting on procurement below the EU threshold must be submitted no later than 20 calendar days from the date after the Contracting Authority has sent a notification to the concerned candidates regarding who has been selected and this notification includes the grounds for the decision, cf. Law regarding complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, Section 5.
Vis mere Tjeneste, hvorfra der kan indhentes oplysninger om klageproceduren
Navn: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Postadresse: Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
Postby: Valby
Postnummer: 2500
Land: Danmark 🇩🇰
Telefon: +45 41715000📞
Kilde: OJS 2018/S 200-454090 (2018-10-12)
Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter (2018-11-27) Ordregivende myndighed Navn og adresser
Navn: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
Kort beskrivelse:
“The Computerome Center is, after a very successful 3-year production run, looking to expand its capabilities of its current generation of supercomputer, by...”
Kort beskrivelse
The Computerome Center is, after a very successful 3-year production run, looking to expand its capabilities of its current generation of supercomputer, by establishing the second generation of a National super computer for life sciences. The new super computer (‘hereinafter Computerome 2.0’) will be split into 2 systems (active-active) to provide even higher level of service to its users. This procured contract is not divided into lots. The reason for not dividing the contract into lots is related to a specific market for this procurement. The Contracting Authority is of the opinion that the object and extent of this contract means that the Contracting Authority will not gain the proper level of competition if the contract is divided into lots.
Vis mere Beskrivelse
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“The Computerome Center is, after a very successful 3-year production run, looking to expand its capabilities of its current generation of supercomputer, by...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
The Computerome Center is, after a very successful 3-year production run, looking to expand its capabilities of its current generation of supercomputer, by establishing the second generation of a National super computer for life sciences. The new super computer (‘hereinafter Computerome 2.0’) will be split into 2 systems (active-active) to provide even higher level of service to its users. This procured contract is not divided into lots. The reason for not dividing the contract into lots is related to a specific market for this procurement. The Contracting Authority is of the opinion that the object and extent of this contract means that the Contracting Authority will not gain the proper level of competition if the contract is divided into lots.
Vis mere Oplysninger om valgmuligheder
Beskrivelse af mulighederne:
“Options shall be fulfilled by the Tenderer and be quoted as part of the tender.
The options are
1) Object storage;
2) Support year 4 and 5 HPDA System;
3) 4...”
Beskrivelse af mulighederne
Options shall be fulfilled by the Tenderer and be quoted as part of the tender.
The options are
1) Object storage;
2) Support year 4 and 5 HPDA System;
3) 4 hours on-site for all critical components in 3 years – HPDA System;
4) Extension of software perpetual license, Advanced training for 10-12 people and
5) Support for year 4 – modules.
The Tenderer shall offer fixed prices for a period of 6 months from the date of the approved acceptance test and fixed prices for a period of 4 years from the date of the approved acceptance test. The prices must be in USD ex. VAT.
Procedure Administrative oplysninger
Tidligere offentliggørelse vedrørende denne procedure: 2018/S 200-454090
Tildeling af kontrakt
Kontraktnummer: 1
Titel: HPDA Facility for Computerome at DTU
Oplysninger om ikke-tilskudsgivende
Der blev ikke modtaget nogen bud eller ansøgninger om deltagelse, eller alle blev afvist
Supplerende oplysninger Yderligere oplysninger
“DTU hereby informs that DTU for this tender intends to apply negotiated procedure without prior publication, cf. section 61, subsection 2, as DTU has not...”
DTU hereby informs that DTU for this tender intends to apply negotiated procedure without prior publication, cf. section 61, subsection 2, as DTU has not received any tenders that fulfil the requirements stated in the procurement documents.
Vis mere Gennemgangsprocedure
Præcise oplysninger om fristerne for gennemgangsprocedurer:
“Complaint regarding a decision on shortlisting:
Complaint regarding a decision on shortlisting must be submitted no later than 20 calendar days from the...”
Præcise oplysninger om fristerne for gennemgangsprocedurer
Complaint regarding a decision on shortlisting:
Complaint regarding a decision on shortlisting must be submitted no later than 20 calendar days from the date after notification to the concerned Candidates informing them of who has been selected has been sent and this notification includes the grounds for the decision, cf. law regarding, Complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, section 1.
Complaint regarding the award of contract:
Complaint regarding the award of contract must be submitted no later than 45 calendar days from the date after the Contracting Authority has published a contract award notice in the European Union Official Journal informing that the Contracting Authority has awarded the contract, cf. Law regarding Complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, section 2, subsection 1.
Complaint regarding the award of a contract under a Framework Agreement with a reopening of the competition:
Complaint regarding the award of a contract under a Framework Agreement with a reopening of the competition shall be submitted no later than 30 calendar days form the date after the Contracting Authority has notified the concerned Tenderers that a contract has been awarded, if the notification includes the grounds for the decision, cf. Law regarding Complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, section 2, subsection 2.
Complaint regarding the award of a Framework Agreement:
Complaint regarding the award of a Framework Agreement must be submitted no later than 6 months from the date after the Contracting Authority have notified the concerned Candidates and Tenderers that award of contract has happened, cf. Law regarding the Complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, section 2, subsection 3.
Complaint regarding direct award of contract:
Complaint regarding the Contracting Authority’s award of contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the European Union Official Journal must be submitted no later than 30 calendar days from the date after a contract award notice has been published by the Contracting Authority in the European Union Official Journal and that contract award notice includes the grounds for the decision to award the contract directly, cf. Law regarding Complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, section 3.
Compliant regarding public procurements below the EU threshold:
Complaint regarding public procurements below the EU threshold must be submitted no later than 45 calendar days from the date after the Contracting Authority has notified the Tenderers about the award of contract if this notification includes the grounds for the decision; and no later than 6 months after the date where the Contracting Authority has notified the Candidates and Tenderers about that award of a Framework Agreement, if the notification includes the grounds for the decision, cf. Law regarding Complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, section 4, subsections 1 and 2. Compliant regarding a decision on shortlisting on procurement below the EU threshold must be submitted no later than 20 calendar days from the date after the Contracting Authority has sent a notification to the concerned Candidates regarding who has been selected and this notification includes the grounds for the decision, cf. Law regarding Complaints board (in Danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, section 5.
Vis mere
Kilde: OJS 2018/S 230-525545 (2018-11-27)
Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter (2018-12-20) Ordregivende myndighed Navn og adresser
Navn: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Technical University of Denmark)
Postby: Lyngby
Kontaktperson: Louise Cecilie Overgaard
Region: Hovedstaden🏙️
Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: HPDA facility for Computerome at DTU
Kort beskrivelse:
“Capabilities of its current generation of supercomputer, by establishing the second generation of a National super computer for life sciences. The new super...”
Kort beskrivelse
Capabilities of its current generation of supercomputer, by establishing the second generation of a National super computer for life sciences. The new super computer (‘hereinafter Computerome 2.0’) will be split into 2 systems (active-active) to provide even higher level of service to its users. This procured contract is not divided into lots. The reason for not dividing the contract into lots is related to a specific market for this procurement. The Contracting Authority is of the opinion that the object and extent of this contract means that the Contracting Authority will not gain the proper level of competition if the contract is divided into lots.
Vis mere
Samlet værdi af indkøbsaftalen (ekskl. moms): DKK 97 000 000 💰
Sted for udførelsen: Danmark🏙️ Kriterier for tildeling
Kvalitetskriterium (vægtning): 90 %
Pris (justeringskoefficient): 10 %
Oplysninger om valgmuligheder
Beskrivelse af mulighederne:
“Options shall be fulfilled by the Tenderer and be quoted as part of the tender.
The options are 1) object storage, 2) Support year 4 & 5 HPDA System, 3) 4...”
Beskrivelse af mulighederne
Options shall be fulfilled by the Tenderer and be quoted as part of the tender.
The options are 1) object storage, 2) Support year 4 & 5 HPDA System, 3) 4 hours on-site for all critical components in 3 years – HPDA System, 4) Extension of software perpetual license, Advanced training for 10-12 people and 6) support for year 4 – modules. The Tenderer shall offer fixed prices for a period of 6 months from the date of the approved acceptance test and fixed prices for a period of 4 years from the date of the approved acceptance test. The prices must be in USD ex. VAT.
Vis mere Beskrivelse
Yderligere oplysninger:
“This procedure has been applied after public tender procedure according to TED reference 2018/S 230-525545. DTU hereafter applied a negotiated procedure...”
Yderligere oplysninger
This procedure has been applied after public tender procedure according to TED reference 2018/S 230-525545. DTU hereafter applied a negotiated procedure without prior publication, cf. section 61, subsection 2, as DTU did not receive any tenders that fulfilled the requirements stated in the procurement documents.
Procedure Tildeling af en kontrakt uden forudgående offentliggørelse af en indkaldelse af bud i Den Europæiske Unions Tidende i følgende tilfælde
Indkøbet falder uden for direktivets anvendelsesområde
Type af procedure
Tildeling af en kontrakt uden forudgående offentliggørelse af en indkaldelse af bud i Den Europæiske Unions Tidende (begrundelse):
“This procedure has been applied after public tender procedure according to TED reference 2018/S 230-525545. DTU hereafter applied a negotiated procedure...”
Tildeling af en kontrakt uden forudgående offentliggørelse af en indkaldelse af bud i Den Europæiske Unions Tidende (begrundelse)
This procedure has been applied after public tender procedure according to TED reference 2018/S 230-525545. DTU hereafter applied a negotiated procedure without prior publication, cf. section 61, subsection 2, as DTU did not receive any tenders that fulfilled the requirements stated in the procurement documents.
Vis mere Administrative oplysninger
Tidligere offentliggørelse vedrørende denne procedure: 2018/S 230-525545
Tildeling af kontrakt
Dato for indgåelse af kontrakten: 2018-12-17 📅
Oplysninger om udbud
Antal modtagne bud: 3
Antal modtagne bud fra SMV'er: 1
Navn og adresse på kontrahenten
Navn: Go Virtual Nordic AB
Nationalt registreringsnummer: 556627-3651
Postby: Askim
Land: Sverige 🇸🇪
Region: Sverige 🏙️
Entreprenøren er en SMV ✅ Oplysninger om kontraktens/parcellens værdi (ekskl. moms)
Anslået samlet værdi af kontrakten/partiet: DKK 97 000 000 💰
Kontraktens/parcellens samlede værdi: DKK 97 000 000 💰
Supplerende oplysninger Gennemgå organ
Navn: Klagenævnet for Udbud / The Complaints Board for Public Procurement
URL:🌏 Gennemgangsprocedure
Præcise oplysninger om fristerne for gennemgangsprocedurer:
“Complaint regarding a decision on shortlisting:
Complaint regarding a decision on shortlisting must be submitted no later than 20 calendar days from the...”
Præcise oplysninger om fristerne for gennemgangsprocedurer
Complaint regarding a decision on shortlisting:
Complaint regarding a decision on shortlisting must be submitted no later than 20 calendar days from the date after notification to the concerned Candidates informing them of who has been selected has been sent and this notification includes the grounds for the decision, cf. law regarding, Complaints board (in danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, Section 1.
Complaint regarding the award of contract:
Complaint regarding the award of contract must be submitted no later than 45 calendar days from the date after the Contracting Authority has published a contract award notice in the European Union Official Journal informing that the Contracting Authority has awarded the contract, cf. Law regarding Complaints board (in danish Klagenævnet for Udbud) § 7, section 2, No. 1.
Vis mere Tjeneste, hvorfra der kan indhentes oplysninger om klageproceduren
Navn: Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen / Danish Competition and Consumer Authority
Postadresse: Carl Jocobsens Vej 35
Kilde: OJS 2018/S 246-564132 (2018-12-20)