The applicant must submit a completed European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) to apply for pre-qualification for this tender procedure. The ESPD for this tender can be found in the pre-qualification material via EU-supply.
To complete the ESPD, please:
— Save the XML file onto your own computer (available from the Pre-qualification Material folder in EU-Supply)
— Open the link
— Choose the preferred language
— Choose “I am an economic operator”
— Choose “Import ESPD”
— Upload the XML file of the ESPD
— Choose the country of your companies origin
— Fill out and complete the ESPD with the information required in this contract notice
— When finished filling out the ESPD selected “Overview” and check the information stated
— After checking the information select “Download as” either pdf or/and XML file and it will be saved to the computer
— Upload the pdf and/or XML file version to “My response” in EU-Supply as your request for pre-qualification
Please note:
— An applicant participating on its own, but relying on the capacities of one or more other entities (e.g. a parent or sister company or a subcontractor), must ensure that the application includes the applicant's own ESPD together with a separate ESPD from each of the entities it relies on with a completed
part II: “Information concerning the economic operator” and
part III: “Exclusion grounds” of the ESPD as well as the relevant information regarding
part IV: “Selection criteria” and
part V: “Reduction of the number of qualified candidates”.
The ESPD from each of the entities should be duly filled and signed by the entities concerned.
Further where an applicant wants to rely on the capacities of other entities, it shall prove to the Contracting Authority that it will have at its disposal the resources necessary, for example, by producing a commitment by those entities to that effect, which must be submitted as part of the final documentation.
— Where groups of economic operators, including temporary associations, participate together in the procurement procedure, a complete separate ESPD for each the participating economic operators must be submitted.
Further the final documentation must include a signed declaration by all parties of the group of economic operators (joint venture, consortium or other) stating that all economic operators assume joint and several liabilities towards the Contracting Authority for the performance of the contract as a whole.