Beskrivelse af udbuddet
Ørsted Services A/S will enter into one Framework Agreement with one (1) Supplier covering Commercial and Financial Training for our Legal Department ("Course").
The employees based in Ørsteds legal department are obligated to participate in post-school education and training on an ongoing basis in order to comply with the Danish Bar and Law Society's requirements to course certificates for continuing mandatory training for lawyers.
The Course shall contain the following business fields ("Topics"):
— financial statement analysis,
— valuation,
— strategy,
— globalization,
— business development (training).
Ørsted expects that the Course is to be carried out over 4 days and to be divided into 2 modules, one module regarding financial statement analysis´ and valuation (2 days) and one module regarding strategy, globalization and business development (up to 2 days).
The target group will primarily be participants from Ørsted’s legal department. Currently, there is approximately 50 potential lawyers in Ørsted’s legal department.
The Course shall take place at facilities in the Copenhagen area and shall include standard facilities and catering for an all-day course. The Tenderer is responsible for ensuring a suitable location and facilities.
It is expected that the first Course can be offered in H1 2019.
Minimum Requirements which are mandatory for the tenderers:
The facilitator(s)/teacher(s) must:
— have at least 8 years of experience within a relevant business area,
— have at least 5 years of experience as teacher/facilitator within a relevant business area,
— Have completed a relevant higher education at master’s degree level (E.g. a MBA),
— be fluent in English, both written and spoken.