Acquisition of Tactical Power Ascenders, in two lots

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organizations

This tender procedure concerns 2 lots regarding the acquisition of 2 types Tactical Power Ascenders.
Contract lot 1: The Danish Defence has a need for electrical tactical power ascender 150 kg (TPA150). The TPA150 are intended for usage at sea and in urban environments, and will primarily be used for entering high vertical structures and vessels at sea. The intention of this acquisition is to acquire operational, ready, and robust equipment, which will function in the harsh conditions of a combat operational environment. The intended usage for TPA150 is fast and silent operations for 1 person and equipment.
Contract lot 2: The Danish Defence has a need for electrical Tactical Power Ascender 250 kg (TPA250). The TPA250 are intended for usage at sea and in urban environments, and will primarily be used for rescue operations in these same locations. The intention of this acquisition is to acquire operational, ready, and robust equipment, which will function in the harsh conditions of a combat operational environment. The intended usage for TPA250 is rescue or hoist purposes for 2 people and equipment.
In the first lot DALO will buy seven (7) Tactical Power Ascenders and will retain an option for an additional seven (7) Tactical Power Ascenders.
In the second lot DALO will buy four (4) Tactical Power Ascenders and will retain an option for an additional four (4) Tactical Power Ascenders.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2018-05-28. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2018-04-26.

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Dato Dokument
2018-04-26 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2018-10-23 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter