Summer Ortho photo (after foliation) covering the entire area of Denmark approximate 48 500 km in tiff-jpeg, raw tiff, jpeg and ECW formats with copyright to the ortho photo and photos.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2017-03-27.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2017-03-03.
Følgende leverandører er nævnt i tildelingsbeslutninger eller andre indkøbsdokumenter:
Objekt Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Summer Ortho Photo 2017 — v. B.
Produkter/tjenester: Arkitekt-, konstruktions-, ingeniør- og inspektionsvirksomhed📦
Kort beskrivelse:
“Summer Ortho photo (after foliation) covering the entire area of Denmark approximate 48 500 km in tiff-jpeg, raw tiff, jpeg and ECW formats with copyright...”
Kort beskrivelse
Summer Ortho photo (after foliation) covering the entire area of Denmark approximate 48 500 km in tiff-jpeg, raw tiff, jpeg and ECW formats with copyright to the ortho photo and photos.
The GSD for the aerial photos to be used in the production have to be 25 cm GSD.
The pixel size of the ortho photo is 25 cm with 2 pixel RMSE.
The photo period is from May 15th to July 31st.
The combine job will be split into 3 lots/subcontracts with 17-19 photo blocks distributed over the entire country.
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Samlet værdi af indkøbsaftalen (ekskl. moms): DKK 2 144 939 💰
Oplysninger om partier
Denne kontrakt er opdelt i partier ✅
1️⃣ Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Lot1
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 1
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Arkitekt-, ingeniør- og opmålingsvirksomhed📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Fotogrammetritjenester📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Kortlægning fra luften📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Digital kortlægning📦
Yderligere produkter/tjenester: Kortfremstilling📦
Sted for udførelsen: Danmark🏙️
Sted for udførelsen: Danmark🏙️
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“Consist of 17 photo blocks and approximate 16 500 km. Acquisition of 4 channels RGBnir digital aerial images, with 8 bits pr. channel and production of...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
Consist of 17 photo blocks and approximate 16 500 km. Acquisition of 4 channels RGBnir digital aerial images, with 8 bits pr. channel and production of ortho photos over the same area.
Vis mere Kriterier for tildeling
Kvalitetskriterium (navn): Logistic
Kvalitetskriterium (vægtning): 20
Kvalitetskriterium (navn): Quality
Pris (justeringskoefficient): 60
Oplysninger om valgmuligheder
Indstillinger ✅
Beskrivelse af mulighederne:
“Option 1 — optional areas: SDFE can choose to activate optioned blocks. Three milestones are defined through the photo period on 7th June, 21th June and...”
Beskrivelse af mulighederne
Option 1 — optional areas: SDFE can choose to activate optioned blocks. Three milestones are defined through the photo period on 7th June, 21th June and 10th July. When one of the 3 milestones is reached, or when a lot is above 75 % completed of the total allocated area at any given time, then SDFE may activate options. Activating options to a lot will give the supplier the right and obligation to finish the last 20 % of the contracted lot and might give the right to accept possible optional areas — transferred from other Lots to facilitate the common goal of finishing all tendered data acquisition in time. see tender material for further description.
Vis mere Beskrivelse
Yderligere oplysninger:
“The supplier is liable for a two (2) year period for the deliveries under this contract, commencing on the date of approval of the final delivery.
Yderligere oplysninger
The supplier is liable for a two (2) year period for the deliveries under this contract, commencing on the date of approval of the final delivery.
The contract has a compliance working condition clause (Clause 8 in the contract).
2️⃣ Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Lot2
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 2
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“Consist of 19 photo blocks and approximate 16 300 km. Acquisition of 4 channels RGBnir digital aerial images, with 8 bits pr. channel and production of...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
Consist of 19 photo blocks and approximate 16 300 km. Acquisition of 4 channels RGBnir digital aerial images, with 8 bits pr. channel and production of ortho photos over the same area.
Vis mere Oplysninger om valgmuligheder
Beskrivelse af mulighederne:
“Option 1 — optional areas: SDFE can choose to activate optioned blocks. Three milestones are defined through the photo period on 7th June, 21th June and...”
Beskrivelse af mulighederne
Option 1 — optional areas: SDFE can choose to activate optioned blocks. Three milestones are defined through the photo period on 7th June, 21th June and 10th July. When one of the 3 milestones is reached, or when a lot is above 75 % completed of the total allocated area at any given time, then SDFE may activate options. Activating options to a lot will give the supplier the right and obligation to finish the last 20 % of the contracted lot and might give the right to accept possible optional areas — transferred from other lots to facilitate the common goal of finishing all tendered data acquisition in time. see tender material for further description.
3️⃣ Omfanget af udbuddet
Titel: Lot 3
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 3
Beskrivelse af udbuddet:
“Consist of 17 photo blocks and approximate 16 200 km. Acquisition of 4 channels RGBnir digital aerial images, with 8 bits pr. channel and production of...”
Beskrivelse af udbuddet
Consist of 17 photo blocks and approximate 16 200 km. Acquisition of 4 channels RGBnir digital aerial images, with 8 bits pr. channel and production of ortho photos over the same area.
Procedure Type af procedure
Åben procedure
Administrative oplysninger
Tidligere offentliggørelse vedrørende denne procedure: 2017/S 046-084065
Tildeling af kontrakt
Kontraktnummer: 1
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 1
Titel: Lot 1
Dato for indgåelse af kontrakten: 2017-04-16 📅
Oplysninger om udbud
Antal modtagne bud: 10
Navn og adresse på kontrahenten
Navn: Vermessung AVT
Postby: Imst
Land: Østrig 🇦🇹
Region: Innsbruck 🏙️
Entreprenøren er en SMV
Oplysninger om kontraktens/parcellens værdi (ekskl. moms)
Anslået samlet værdi af kontrakten/partiet: DKK 800 000 💰
Kontraktens/parcellens samlede værdi: DKK 806 286 💰
Kontraktnummer: 2
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 2
Titel: Lot 2
Oplysninger om kontraktens/parcellens værdi (ekskl. moms)
Anslået samlet værdi af kontrakten/partiet: DKK 800 000 💰
Kontraktens/parcellens samlede værdi: DKK 804 639 💰
Kontraktnummer: 3
Partiets identifikationsnummer: 3
Titel: Lot3
Navn og adresse på kontrahenten
Navn: TopGis s.r.o.
Postby: Brno
Land: Tjekkiet 🇨🇿
Region: Jihomoravský kraj 🏙️
Entreprenøren er en SMV ✅ Oplysninger om kontraktens/parcellens værdi (ekskl. moms)
Anslået samlet værdi af kontrakten/partiet: DKK 800 000 💰
Kontraktens/parcellens samlede værdi: DKK 534 014 💰
Supplerende oplysninger Yderligere oplysninger
“Please notice copy rights and acquisition method have changes compared to previous versions of Summer Ortho Photo productions in Denmark.” Gennemgå organ
Navn: Klagenævnet for Udbud
Postadresse: Dahlerups Pakhus, Langelinie Allé 17
Postby: Copenhagen East
Postnummer: 2100
Land: Danmark 🇩🇰
Telefon: +45 35291000📞
URL:🌏 Tjeneste, hvorfra der kan indhentes oplysninger om klageproceduren
Navn: Konkurence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Postadresse: Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
Postby: Valby
Postnummer: 2500
Land: Danmark 🇩🇰
Telefon: +45 41715000📞
Kilde: OJS 2019/S 169-412996 (2019-09-02)