Stabilized remote controlled weapon station (RCWS)

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization

This notice concerns the establishment of a framework agreement regarding the acquisition of stabilized remote controlled weapon stations (hereinafter refered to as RCWS) for the Danish Defence, the framework agreement will also include a sustainment agreement covering spare parts, technical support in the form of modifications, technical assistance and updates and education. By a RCWS the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (hereinafter refered to as DALO) understands a complete weapon station consisting of 3 main components a) A base, which is the part outside of the vehicle, exclusive of weapon and sensors b) The sensors or sensor package and c) The human machine interface (HMI) consisting of display, control handle(s) and other controls. DALO is procuring RCWS for the Danish Army, where the RCWS will be placed on the newly acquired Piranha V vehicles. The RCWS that the Danish Defence is procuring will be used with a range of different weapons and shall have a range of functionalities. DALO is procuring a RCWS that as a standard configuration will mount a 12,7 mm HMG in single mount. It shall be possible to adapt the RCWS from the standard configuration by the use of an adaptor kit or similar to mount a 40 mm. AGL in single mount or a 7,62 mm MG in single mount, this shall be done by the maintenance crew in the Danish Defence. The RCWS shall be able to integrate 12,7 mm HMG in a coaxial mount with a 40 mm AGL as well as to integrate a 12,7 mm HMG in a coaxial mount with a 7,62 mm mG, this adaption shall be done by the maintenance crew in the Danish Defence. It is of great importance to DALO that the RCWS that is acquired can be modified as to accommodate other weapons that DALO might acquire in the future. And therefore DALO is looking for a RCWS that has modification possibilities. It is a mandatory requirement that the RCWS has Independent Line of Sight (ILOS) of minimum +/- 5 degrees in both azimuth and elevation. DALO is also looking for a RCWS of a weight above deck of maximum 350 kilos, excluding weapons, add on armour and ammunition. The framework agreement will have an initial acquisition of 48 RCWS in standard configuration with a 12,7 mm HMG in single mount and a number of adaptor kits or similar as to adapt the RCWS to a single mount with either 40 mm AGL or 7,62 mm MG. After the initial acquisition it shall be possible for DALO to order RCWS' during the framework agreement. The agreement will also include a sustainment agreement, where the Supplier shall offer spare parts, technical support in connection with repairs, updates and modifications as well as education and training for the users. The framework agreement will have a duration of ten (10) years. Tenderers that are prequalified are made aware that this tender is conducted as a negotiated procedure, there will as a minimum be one Indicative Offer (INDO). DALO would like to stress that there will be a test of the offered RCWS in connection with the BAFO. Tenderers that are prequalified will obtain further information regarding the procedure, including the number of expected INDOs upon prequalification. Tenderers are made aware that the test in connection with the evaluation of the RCWS will happen in Denmark and that the test probably will be conducted in the first quarter of 2018.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2017-08-22. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2017-07-21.

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Dato Dokument
2017-07-21 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2019-12-05 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter