Kort beskrivelse
The Contractor shall be responsible for the Operation and the Maintenance of Odense Letbane. This includes the management of drivers and OCC staff as well as the Facility Management of the Transportation System and the Facility Management (cleaning and preparation activities) of the Rolling Stock. The proposed Odense Letbane line 1 is 14.34 km long, running from Tarup in the north of the city to Hjallelse in the south. Odense Letbane P/S will have 26 Stations. Initially the fleet of rolling stocks will consist of 16 trams and during weekdays the operational headway will be down to 7.5 minutes.
Line 2 of Odense Tramway is in the planning stages and is yet to be approved by the Odense City Council and to receive its legal powers under the ‘Construction Act’. If Line 2 is established the Contract will also cover this.
The total Contract value for line 1 and line 2 is estimated between 130 000 000 EUR and 250 000 000 EUR.
Contract start is expected to be in 2018.