Modification of coal burners for straw co-combustion on Fjernvarme Fyn Unit 7

Fjernvarme Fyn A/S

Fjernvarme Fyn power station is located in Odense, a few kilometres from the city centre. Fjernvarme Fyn consists of a coal fired CHP unit, a straw-fired CHP unit and an incineration plant.
Fjernvarme Fyn intends to co-fire up to 15 % straw on energy basis on their coal-fired plant.
This call for tender addresses LOT M3. The purchase includes modifying 4 identical coal-fired burners to be able to co-fire with straw. The burners must still be able to fire with coal when no straw is available. The works include relocation of oil lance, potential relocation and extension of ignition lance, removal of old core pipe, installation of new and larger core pipe, expansion pipe and an emergency shutdown valve. The above-mentioned works must include all necessary auxiliary systems. The systems must be tied in to the pneumatic transport system, which is not part of this lot.
The purchase includes design, manufacturing, supply, installation, testing, commissioning and documentation.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2017-04-27. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2017-03-27.




Dato Dokument
2017-03-27 Udbudsbekendtgørelse