Kort beskrivelse
The Contractor is required to provide a Baggage Handling System (BHS) upgrade to facilitate the installation of ECAC Standard 3 EDS Machines (supplied and installed by others). The new machines will be installed in 3 locations:
4 machines in Bag Factory 2
3 machines in the Terminal 3 basement
2 machines in the Bag Factory 3
The existing BHS system will be modified as indicated by the tender drawings in order to accomplish the installation of these new machines, including a re-build of the existing system in Bag Factory 2. Moreover, the existing BHS shall be expanded into a new Western sortation facility (BFW) and associated tunnel connection.The project shall include all design work, conveyor equipment, steelwork, catwalks, walkways, impact protection, all electrical equipment, PLC programming, interface management, existing system modifications, coordination and commissioning efforts required to effectively accomplish a Design & Build BHS. The Contractor must provide a new HLC System.