The tender procedure is subject to Danish law. Any legal entity may only submit 1 application. Application for prequalification must be submitted electronically using the web-based tendering system ‘Digitale Udbud’ provided by Kammeradvokaten (The Legal Advisor to the Danish State). Applications cannot be submitted using any other means. All communication in connection with the tender procedure shall take place using the tendering system only. The tendering system is accessed using the link set out in section I.3. If not already a registered user of the system, an applicant must register to access the tender documents. This can be done by using the link ‘Online registration’. After registration the documents can be accessed under ‘Current tender opportunities’. Questions and answers will be published through the tendering system. Applications must be submitted by upload of the required documents. If an application contains more than one version of the same document the latest uploaded version, cf. the time-log in the system, will be regarded as the prevailing version. In the tendering system the applicant can sign up to receive notifications by e-mail upon upload of new information. The applicants are however always encouraged to keep themselves updated in the system on an ongoing basis.
The Contracting Authority shall exclude an economic operator from participation in a procurement procedure where it has established that the applicant is covered by the exclusion grounds listed in the Danish Public Procurement Act, (Udbudsloven) §135 and §136 (EU Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, article 57(1)-(3), and article 57(4) (e),(f) and (h).) An applicant will furthermore be excluded from the procurement procedure if the applicant is in a situation covered by the Danish Public Procurement Act §137(1)(2) (EU Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of The Council, article 57 (4) (b).)
Together with the application, the applicant shall submit a solemn declaration confirming that the applicant is not covered by any of the above mentioned exclusion grounds. If the applicant is a joint venture, each member shall submit the solemn declaration. A template for the solemn declaration can be obtained using the link in sectionI.3. The contracting authority reserves the right to demand that the successful tenderer submit documentation regarding the solemn declaration (e.g. a ‘serviceattest’ from the Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen)or equivalent documentation).
The estimated total value of the contract is 15 000 000 — 23 000 000 DKK including any taxes, charges and VAT. The maximum budget for the contract is 23 000 000 DKK, including any taxes, charges and VAT, as indicated in Appendix 1 (Scope of Services) of the contract in the tender material, cf. section I.3. Please note, that the contracting authority has not made any assessment of whether the services under the contract are subject to any taxes, charges and/or VAT in Denmark and/or any other country.