Kort beskrivelse
The Danish Army operate a number of armored vehicles. The crews of these vehicles operate in a noisy and hazardous environment which is the reason The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is tendering a new Combat Vehicle Crew Helmet (CVC Helmet) (Lot 1) which shall allow fully functionality when connected to the SOTAS M2 system The Danish Army is using. The same goes for dismounted soldiers who also have the need for hearing protection while providing clear communication between mounted and dismounted soldiers using their existing radios. This is referred to as the ‘On-Ear Headset’ solution (Lot 2), by which shall allow fully functionality when connected to Invisio V60 control unit. This tender will also include a multi control unit together with an In-Ear Headset solution (In-Ear Headset system) allowing the dismounted soldiers to switch between radios (Lot 3) This lot will also include a smaller control unit.