Acquisition of a new Side Scan Sonar system to the Royal Danish Navy MCM

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO)

The Royal Danish Navy wants to acquire a replacement for its current Side Scan Sonar (SSS) system, which is the primary sensor for the Danish mine hunting division. In Denmark a towed SSS is used to detect and classify mines and other objects on the seabed.
The SSS is towed through the water by an unmanned surface vessel of the RDN MSF class. The MSF and towed body is remotely controlled from a mother platform that can be either a vessel of the type MSD (-HOLM class) or from a dedicated MCM Command and Control (C2) container placed on a ship of opportunity. Live / real time SSS data is transmitted to the mother platform, where the data is monitored and evaluated by a detector and a classifier. Mine Like Contacts(MILCOS) are selected and later identified by an ROV or by a clearance diving team.
DALO expects that the replacement SSS system shall be integrated into the RDN MCM concept, hence be able to be operated from the MSF Class unmanned surface vessel. Furthermore, DALO expects the SSS system to be able to operate from 10 m water depth to minimum 70 m water depth, and preferably up to 140 m water depth. The SSS system is expected to be based on SAS sonar technology or SSS with comparable resolution, e.g. a resolution of 10 cm out to minimum 100 m range, and preferably up to 150 m range.
Finally the SSS system is expected to be able to interface to current MCM Command and Control (C2) system.
The contract is expected to include the following deliveries:
— 4 Complete SSS systems including the following:
— Side Scan Sonar.
— Actively controlled Towed body.
— Handling system incl. Winch system and Towcable.
— Topside Equipment. Power supplies, Processors etc.
— Software for Control, Processing, Detector, Classifier etc.
— Radio link system for remote control of the SSS system and SSS data transfer.
— Onshore Test and Maintenance system.
— Spare Towed body complete with SSS.
— Spare Towcable.
— Installation and integration of the SSS system.
— Support and sustainment of the SSS system.
— Other services including project management, test, education/training and documentation.
The SSS system, including installation and integrations, initial spare parts packages, onshore Test and Maintenance system, documentation and initial training, will be procured on the basis of an Acquisition Contract. In addition, DALO wishes to enter into a Sustainment Contract allowing for the subsequent procurement of additional spare parts, sustainment services, including maintenance services and support in a period of up to 17 years, cf. section II.2.2 and II.2.3 below. The 2 contracts should be seen as a whole and will both be awarded to the successful tenderer.
Please note that the duration of the contract stated in section II.3) (120 months) is estimated on the assumption that the Acquisition Contract will be effective for three (3) years, after which the Sustainment Contract will commence for a period of seven (7) years initially. However the assumption of the duration of the Acquisition Contract is expected to be subject to negotiations during the tender procedure.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2017-11-17. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2017-10-06.




Dato Dokument
2017-10-06 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2017-12-11 Supplerende oplysninger