Acquisition and installation of two packing lifts and one packing table, for use with packing single, double and triple aircraft pallets, and maintenance and service of the packing table, and training

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation

At both Aalborg Air Base and Karup Air Base, aircraft pallets are packed prior to transportation with the Danish Armed Forces' own aircrafts, those of other nations and those chartered from civilian airlines. The Air Force was issued with an improvement notice by the Danish Working Environment Authority requiring it to eliminate the risk of items falling during the packing of aircraft pallets by means of an enclosure or other suitable arrangement. The packing of aircraft pallets in the Danish Defence shall therefore only be performed on packing lifts. In what follows, the concept of a packing lift is defined as a solution where the packing area on which the aircraft pallet is packed can be elevated above floor level and lowered below floor level without the presence of columns, lifting appliances or other crane activity above floor level. There is no specific solution associated with this concept, but it could constitute a lifting table on a scissors lift or similar.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2017-09-22. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2017-08-08.




Dato Dokument
2017-08-08 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2017-10-18 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter