Wind Turbine Service for offshore wind farms in Denmark and Germany
DONG Energy has three offshore windfarms in Denmark with a total of 274 turbines. The three offshore windfarms are Anholt located off coast of Grenå, Horns Rev 2 located off coats of Esbjerg and Nysted located off coast of Gedser. DONG Energy is the O&M provider of the turbines but due to lack of internal resources there is a need for a third party service provider for ad hoc wind turbine service including bolt tensioning and replacement of major components.
One contract will be entered.
In the contract period Horns Rev 2 expects to require the service from approximately 1 April to 30 September. Other wind farms (some still under warranty and therefore operated by the turbine supplier) will require the service on ad-hoc basis.
Provision of services for DONG Energy windfarms in Germany (which are all still under construction or under warranty) will be included in the contract as as option which shall be mutual for both DONG Energy and the supplier. This option will not be included in the evaluation of the tenders.
In Denmark DONG Energy has the following turbines:
Siemens 2,3 MW VS turbines, 2,3 CS turbines and 3,6 MW turbines.
More information about DONG Energy Wind Power can be found here:
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2016-02-08.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2016-01-20.
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