Supply of workshop and laboratory container systems and related services

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO)

Through a framework agreement, the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO) is planning to purchase the most economically advantageous workshop and laboratory container systems for the Danish Defence.
The container systems are intended to be used across the different services in the Danish Defence both domestic and international and with short notice. The container systems are through their lifetime intended to be continuously moved to locations where needed and will be used both in training as well as in national and international operations. The operations in which the container systems will be used can vary and have different duration. The container systems are intended for use in the span from mobile to stationary camps and are expected to have a lifetime of at least 10 years.
As the container systems can be deployed all over the world in all climatic conditions, requirements to the physical aspect, construction of the containers and interior are very high. Transportation of containers is performed by air, sea and land. Overland transport may imply rough terrain.
The workshop and laboratory container systems consist of different kinds of container systems with common characteristics and are based on a 20ft container. The purpose of the container systems is i.a. to support the operations by being able to perform small scale repairs of damaged material and having mobile test and analyzing facilities at site.
The workshop and laboratory container system shall be equipped and manufactured implementing the requirements and wishes from the end users (Danish Defence — Air, Land, Sea) with the best technical solutions in an energy saving and economic advantageous way.
The framework agreement includes service and training (including maintenance, modifications and training of personnel).
The framework agreement shall expire 4 years after commencement. However, DALO shall be entitled to renew the agreement for 3 years (the maximum total duration of the framework agreement is thus 7 years).
The framework agreement is entered into by DALO. However, all divisions of the Danish Ministry of Defence, including all divisions of the Danish Defence which are subject to the commands of the Chief of Defence shall be entitled to use the agreement.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2016-08-15. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2016-06-22.

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Dato Dokument
2016-06-22 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2016-07-15 Supplerende oplysninger
2016-07-29 Supplerende oplysninger
2017-08-16 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter