Mono Night Vision Goggles (MNVG)
The objective of this Framework Agreement is to ensure that DALO will be able to provide Mono Night Vision Goggles (MNVGs) for use by the individual Danish Soldier under low light level conditions both in real combat situations as well as training situations.
DALO expects to make an initial procurement of 1 120 MNVGs, including accessories (such as mounting brackets, BNVG brackets, counter weight, daylight filters etc.). This Initial procurement is expected to be followed by additional procurements of the additional MNVGs as the existing PVS-14 goggles are taken out of service.
In addition to the MNVG itself and accessories, DALO may procure certain services, spare parts and special tools. The services will primarily include training of the Danish user instructors and technical personnel, and occasional repairs of the MNVGs.
The MNVG is required to be ruggedized for military use and usable under all climatic conditions. FOM for the individual MNVG shall be at least 1 700.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2016-06-10.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2016-05-10.
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