2016 Pelagic Vessel Charters — Mackerel Egg Surveys West of Ireland
Denmark will be part in the tri-annual ICES coordinated 2016 egg survey for mackerel and horse mackerel from 2016. The survey aims to assess the current spawning distribution of the 2 stocks, in space and time by carrying out pelagic trawling for adults and plankton sampling for eggs. The survey is conducted together with a number of other countries having interests in the mackerel and horse mackerel stocks in the eastern part of the North Atlantic. The survey will be carried out using a number of commercial vessels each engaged in a limited period during 2016. DTU Aqua is responsible for the Danish contribution to the survey. The Danish contribution to the survey covers 1 vessel in the period from mid-June to start July in an area north of Ireland. Commercial trawlers with experience in trawling for mackerel are invited to bid on the tender.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2016-05-23.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2016-04-20.
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