Wheeled Loaders for use in Greenland

Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse (The Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization (DALO))

This tender concerns the acquisition of three (3) Wheeled Loaders and an option for DALO to acquire up to two (2) additional Wheeled Loaders. The additional Wheeled Loaders will be acquired separately (1+1). DALO is not obliged to make use of the option as well as DALO is not obliged to acquire both of the Wheeled Loaders included in the option. The Wheeled Loaders are to be used on Danish bases located on the northern part of Greenland. The bases are Station Nord (STN) and Station Mestersvig (MVG). Two of the three acquired Wheeled Loaders are destined for STN (located at 81° — 36N — 016°40W) while the last one is destined for MVG (located at 72° — 14N — 023°55W). STN can only be reached by plane. The landing strip at STN is 1800 meters long and 60 meters wide and one of the major tasks for the Wheeled Loaders at STN is to maintain this runway. At STN the runway is cleared continuously as it also serves as an emergency landing strip for planes in the arctic. MVG is located 1.000 km south of STN, and can therefore be reached both by plane and by ship (one yearly supply ship with a barge docking at an intermediary dock 5 km. from MVG). The runway at MVG is only cleared if a flight has been scheduled to land on the base. Due to the locations and the logistic challenges, it must be possible to store a spare part kit locally to keep the Wheeled Loaders in operation.
The arctic weather conditions are similar at both STN and MVG, why the same requirements apply to the Wheeled Loaders at both locations. The Wheeled Loaders are part of the Arctic command maintenance, construction and repair concept for the two bases.
The severity of the climate also places demands on the Wheeled Loaders components. The Wheeled Loaders must be prepared for work in low temperature. In this regard attention is drawn to that the working conditions especially at STN can be very poor. The Wheeled Loaders will work in areas, where no exterior light sources are present. The only light source when operating, will be the work lights mounted on the Wheeled Loaders. On both stations the temperatures can get as low as -50 degrees Celsius and winds measuring 30 m/s is not an uncommon work scenario in wintertime. The Wheeled Loaders are stored in heated garages, but must still work and function in the described climate.
Also in summertime the Wheeled Loaders will work in difficult areas, where air and water temperatures can be close to the freezing point and in some cases below the freezing point.
The Wheeled Loaders must have an engine capable of working with the mixture of jet fuel and additives described in NATO code F-63.
The Acquisition Contract includes an initial spare parts package with the most common spare parts needed for operation.
It is of paramount importance that DALO will be able to purchase relevant spare parts to the Wheeled Loaders as well as having the possibility to receive technical advice and repair assistance in case a technical problem cannot be solved by DALO. Therefore DALO will in connection with the Acquisition Contract enter into a Sustainment Agreement in order to ensure sustained operation of the Wheeled Loaders.
The purchaser is using Mercell Sourcing Services for this tender. To notify your interest and get access to any documents, you must copy and paste the link below into the address-part on your browser. http://permalink.mercell.com/51358729.aspx. Then choose the relevant tender.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-08-07. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-07-08.

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