Tender for the Skills Development Fund II (SDF II) of the Danish Support to Private Sector Development, Ghana

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida

A new Denmark — Ghana Partnership Policy 2014 — 2018 has been agreed between the 2 countries. The long standing cooperation between Ghana and Denmark is a unique platform for leveraging the new strategic partnership. The main thrust of the partnership policy is to strengthen cooperation based on shared the objectives of strengthened political cooperation, promotion of inclusive and green growth, economic diplomacy and increased commercial cooperation, and consolidation of results in development programmes. SPSD III comprises 2 main development engagements that will be funded from the budget committed for SPSD III a 2 side engagements that are a carry-over from existing activities. The 2 main development engagements are the Business Advocacy Challenge Fund (BUSAC III) and the Skills Development Fund (SDF II).
This call for tender covers the Skills Development Fund (SDF II). SDF II is a challenge fund under the auspices of the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET). COTVET will be the Engagement Partner of the SDF Engagement. COTVET is an apex body, with the mandate to co-ordinate and oversee technical and vocational education and training and to provide for related matters. Part of the COTVET mandate is to develop policies for skills development across the broad spectrum of pre-tertiary, tertiary, formal and non-formal TVET sectors.
The programme objective of SPSD III is ‘Promotion of inclusive and green economic growth through private sector development leading to increased income and better welfare of Ghanaians.
Danida now wants to recruit an individual company or a consortium of international and a Ghanaian partner organisation (called a consultant) to administrate the programme of the Fund. The SDF Consultant will provide technical, managerial and administrative expertise required in order to achieve these results. Furthermore, the SDF Consultant is responsible for logistics related to the operation of the SDF Secretariat and the activities to be undertaken by this. The budget for SDF II for the 5 year period 2016-20 is 95 000 000 DKK .
To be selected for tender the company must have experience in Fund Management from working in Ghana. The Fund Manager must have a reference from working with a Skills Development challenge fund assignment. The Fund Manager will be familiar with Danida's Human Right Based Approach (HRBA), UN’s Global Compact Principles and ILOs Decent Work Agenda.
For more general information please refer to: http://www.sdfghana.org/new/index.php and http://ghana.um.dk/en/danida-en/private-sector/

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2016-02-12. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-12-16.

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Dato Dokument
2015-12-16 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2016-07-12 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter