Cure DONG Energy REnescience B.V. has decided to establish a plant for a complete handling of unsorted household waste (Municipal Solid Waste — MSW).
DONG Energy Thermal Power A/S will be responsible for the execution of the project on behalf of Cure DONG Energy REnescience B.V.
The project, RSC Cure NL will be based on DONG Energy's REnescience Technology, which is a technology for treatment of unsorted household waste. The purpose of the process is sorting and refining the waste for utilization in the production of bioliquid for biogas production, 2D material such as folios of e.g. plastics for the making of RDF and 3D materials such as bottles and cans for the purpose of re-cycling.
The plant will be established in Eindhoven, Holland, and will be designed with a capacity of 120 000 ton of household waste per year, or 15 t/h.
This pre-qualification is specific to the REnescience core process internal referred to as LOT 2, which consists of following main processes:
2.1 Waste inlet handling.
2.2 The REnescience reactor part.
2.3 Separation and Bioliquid Treatment.
2.4 2D Treatment.
2.5 3D Treatment.
The Processes 2.1 to 2.5 described above are to be connected to one functional unit, securing a handling, treatment and separation of MSW to levels specified in the coming call for tender material.
Regarding 2.1) Waste inlet handling.
The delivery will consist of all electromechanical equipment required for handling the incoming municipal household waste, and thus preparing it for readily treatment within the reactor part. This process will comprise equipment enabling exposure of organic bagged MSW — such as a bag opening device — and a number of conveying systems, enabling transport of MSW to the REnescience reactor part (refer to 2.2. below).
Regarding 2.2) The REnescience reactor part.
The delivery will consist of all electromechanical equipment required for an enzymatic treatment of the exposed MSW. This process will comprise two or more parallel reactor lines, each consisting of a reactor infeed, a reactor, and a treated waste buffer section enabling pH adjustment / water supply and pH regulation, enzymatic treatment and solid dewatering, respectively.
The reactor part basic design details will be provided by DONG Energy as a proposal for the final design. The infeed section, and the reactor lines are to be manufactured in stainless steel due to high load (waste mixed with process water), abrasion, and corrosive environment (each reactor are horizontal installed circular vessels with a diameter of app.
5 meters, and a length of 50 meters, which during operational conditions are heated to app. 50-60 oC, rotating 1 rpm).
Regarding 2.3) Separation and Bioliquid Treatment.
The delivery will comprise all electromechanical equipment required for a proper separation of the semi-wet waste into the three fractions; bioliquid, 2D and 3D materials. In addition, a separation of batteries and other unwanted rejects from the bioliquid will be required. Subsequent to the separation steps, the bioliquid will still contain unwanted materials — such as sand and glass particles (inert material). These inert solid materials will need to be separated from the bioliquid by means of an appropriate inert separator, before leading the bio liquid to the anaerobic digester (AD-plant — which is a part of a seperate tender — referred to as Lot 3). Equipment relevant to the inert separation process is included in this tender as an option, however it will also be included as an option to the tender for the AD-plant, while it must be an integrated part of either this LOT or as a part of the connected AD Plant.
Regarding 2.4) 2D Treatment.
The delivery will comprise all electromechanical equipment required for a proper cleaning of 2D materials — e.g. plastic, textiles etc. The plastic fraction will need a specific level of cleanliness. The 2D textiles are to be separated from the plastic fraction, and led to the anaerobic digester (AD-plant — which is a part of a separate tender — referred to as Lot 3).
The entire REnescience process will recycle and clean the water used for the washing process to a level, where accumulation of e.g. salts are prevented. The cleaning of water is taking place in the waste water treatment (WWT-plant, part of a separate tender — referred to as Lot 4), however for the 2D treatment it is relevant to inform that the washing process will take place using ‘dirty water’ (cleaned process water from the WWT-plant) in the beginning of the process and fresh water at the end of the 2D washing process.
Regarding 2.5) 3D Treatment.
The delivery will consist of all electro mechanical equipment required for a proper cleaning of 3D materials made out of plastic and metals. The metal 3D-fraction is to separated from the remaining 3D fraction. The remaining 3D materials will consist of plastic, which is to be washed to a specific level of cleanliness. The 3D materials (plastic and metals) are to be stored at appropriate storage facilities (outside scope of this LOT).
Following items are expected to be tendered as an option:
— Gas fired boiler or Heat pump for supply of process heat.
— Compressed air supply.
— Cleaning system.
— Service and maintenance contract.
— Inert separation step (ref. sub-process 2.3 above).
— A 3rd reactor line incl. all required systems.
Justification for tendering the contract as a single contract, can be substantiated by addressing the three criteria that should be taken into account when contracts are tendered as one tender in Netherlands (LOT 2 is only a part of the RSC Cure NL project, which is being tendered in several lots):
A) The composition of the relevant market and the influence of the combination of the contacts on the access to the contract for a sufficient number of (smaller and mid-sized) companies in that market:
— DONG Energy sets out no specific requirements to the financial capabilities of the applicant, whereas DONG Energy also urge SME's to apply for Pre-Qualification. It is allowed for smaller and mid-sized companies to form consortia, which will help them comply with the requirements to provide guarantees and bonds, as will be prescribed in the commercial conditions of the contract.
B) The organisational consequences and risks of the combination of the contracts for the contracting entity and the tenderers:
— Each of the mentioned processes, represent multiple cross-process related interfaces, relations, and exchange of signals. Managing and controlling these — if tendered as separate lots — would be possible, however the technical risk profile for the project execution would increase significantly, and the only way to mitigate this risk, is to set out high requirements to resource allocation within the DONG Energy organization.
— In the project execution phase, due to the technical complexity and the overlap of the various processes, systems and hardware, it would be extremely challenging coordinating the erection-, and commissioning phase.
Some processes/systems are physically located on top of each other, and some are statically, and process wise dependent, whereas the time schedule would be affected, due to a significantly extended time for completion.
C) The extent of connectedness of the contracts:
— The processes represent an interconnected integrated waste handling system, comprising various complex mechanical-, electrical-, control- and monitoring interfaces, whereas the respective processes cannot be seen as a separate single standing systems.
— If — hypothetically — the above mentioned processes were tendered as separate packages, the requirements for the process and media control at each interface would be unrealistically high. Each interface would require a fixed definition on media data, process parameters, monitoring, etc. This would cause an immediate impact on the project complexity and CAPEX, as the potential suppliers either would decline applying for the PQ, or alternatively increase the price capitalized by the risk, which potentially could compromise the project business case.
Basically, tendering LOT 2 as one integrated system, is based on the fact that the scope is considered the core of the facility, where interfaces between sub-systems are crucial. It is important for the Contracting Entity to have clear system and process responsibility both in terms of responsibility of functionality during the contract and in terms of time during the construction phase. This can be ensured with a single contractor. Further, the innovative nature of the core of the facility supports that the contract can be tendered as a single contract. The Contracting entity consider the scope of the contract as being a single contract from a process, market and risk perspective.
General info:
Potential suppliers shall expect an explicit requirement from DONG Energy in relation to the system robustness and high degree of availability. Further specific requirements in relation to guarantees for the functionality, the power consumption, and warranty period relevant for this sort of equipment will apply. Specific demands for guarantees, bonds and warranties will be specified in the Call for Tender Material.
Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2016-01-11.
Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-12-10.
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