Procurement of Tarpaulins — Uganda

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Danida

The Recovery and Development of Northern Uganda Component of the U-Growth II Programme supports 2 400 farmer groups in West-Nile and Acholi Sub-regions. 1 area of support is post-harvest handling and it is the plan to provide 10 tarpaulins for each farmer group for threshing and drying of their agricultural produce so that they can improve the quality of the produce with regard to moisture content and cleanliness, at a total of 24 000 tarpaulins.
The requirements to the procurement of tarpaulinscan be summarized as follows:
Quantity: 24 000
Purpose: Threshing and drying of agricultural produce like maize, rice, sesame.
Size: 6 x 4 meter
Durability: 5 years (will be used app. 4 months every year in very sunny, dusty and at times also very wet conditions).
Strength: Enough to serve the purpose of 5 years durability.
UV-protection: As above.
Delivery time: The tarpaulins should be delivered not later than 1/10/2016 and not earlier than 1.9.2016.
Destinations: Kitgum, Arua, Nebbi, Kalongo and Zombo in Uganda.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2015-12-09. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-10-29.

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Dato Dokument
2015-10-29 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2016-01-08 Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter