Optical Transmission Equipment for DTU / Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet — DTU

DeiC (The Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation) operates and develops the Danish NREN (National Research and Education Network), called ‘Forskningsnettet’. This network provides both connections to the research networks in the world, general internet provision for its' connected institutions as well as numerous point-to-point optical layer 1 connections between the institutions. The connected institu-tions comprise all Danish universities as well as most other research and further education institutions in the country. In order to deliver this, DeiC has:
1) Leased dark fiber connections on IRU basis;
2) Router equipment;
3) Optical Equipment;
4) Network Operations staff.
The purpose of this call for tender, is solely the renewal of item 3) Optical Transmission Equipment.

Fristen for modtagelse af bud var på 2016-01-14. Indkøbet blev offentliggjort på 2015-11-30.




Dato Dokument
2015-11-30 Udbudsbekendtgørelse
2015-12-04 Supplerende oplysninger
2016-01-20 Supplerende oplysninger